Title:  Life’s Journey                                                                                                                                   

Author:  Angelee

Fandom:  Stargate

Pairing:  Colonel Dave Dixon/Malek

Rating:  Adult.

Summary:  A Tok’ra comes a courting.  Things don’t quite workout as he expected.

Beta:  By my sister Anna.  All remaining errors are my-with apologies.

Note:  If you’re wondering, Colonel David Dixon was played by Adam Baldwin.  Malek was played by Peter Stebbings.



Life’s Journey




Colonel Dave Dixon tossed his helmet way flopping down on a grassy slope angrily. He hated these mop up operation.  He’d rather fight the Goa’uld that sit around waiting for something to happen.


Suddenly he felt eyes on him.  He turned to find Malek the Commander of the Tok’ra outpost in the Risa system watching him carefully.


“Is there something I can do for you Commander?”  Dixon asked.


“No, Colonel,” Came the soft reply.


Dixon shrugged his broad shoulders.  But those blue eyes keep watching him.  After about five minutes it was starting to really bug him. 


“Are you sure there’s nothing I can do for you, Commander?”


“No, Colonel,” Came the just as soft reply as before.


Another five minutes passed and Dixon finally blew.  “Then why the fuck are you staring at me?”  The Tok’ra Commander jumped slightly.  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to yell at you, but quit staring at me.  And what the fuck is wrong with you?  Usually you’re real full of yourself.”


The Commander looks away nervously.  “I’m sorry.”


Dixon signed.  “Look, don’t be sorry.  Just quit staring at me.”


The Tok’ra Commander moved closer to the little hill Dixon sat on. Dixon promptly backed away.


Malek gave a small, sad smile.  “Do I frighten you, Colonel?”


“You don’t.  That thing inside you does.”


“It won’t hurt you.”


Dixon eyes Malek.  “Sure of that are you?”  He asked skeptically.


“Yes.  The Tau’ri are a very skittish race.”


“Yeah…well-it’s the whole thing about having something foreign inside you that you may not have wanted in you.”


“But I did,” Malek answered softly.


Dixon looked at him.  “Did what?”


“Want it in me.  I did want it,” Malek replied, blue eyes looking at Dixon shyly.  “Very much.”


Dixon frowned.  There were undertones of other things going on here.  And he wasn’t all that sure they had to do with the symbiote inside Malek.  What the fuck did the Tok’ra want?


“What do you want?”  Dixon asked, eyeing Malek suspiciously.


Malek played with a blade of grass.  “What makes you think I want anything?”


“Well for one thing you don’t really want to hang out with us Earthers.  Way beneath you Tok’ra.”


Malek stiffened.  “Is that how we seem to you?”




“I‘m sorry.  We do not wish to seem so …”


“Unfriendly.  Unsociable,  Snobby.  Prickish,” Dixon finished for him.


“Ah…yes.  Thank you.”


Dixon smiled at him for the first time, making Malek gasp slightly.  “Yeah, no problem.”


“Might I ask you a question, Colonel?”


“Might ask. ‘Nother thing, if I answer.” 


Malek’s blue eyes looked out over the compound.  “Do you hate the Tok’ra?”


“No, Commander,” Dixon answered readily.


“Do you hate me?”


Dixon looked over at Malek in surprise.  “Why would I hate you?”


“Because I’m Tok’ra.”


Dixon ran his fingers over his dark brown hair.  Not noticing when the movement was eyed hungrily.  “No.  I don’t hate you because you’re Tok’ra.”


“But you do hate me?”


Dixon sighed.  “I never said that.  Don’t put words in my mouth.  What are you getting at, Commander?”


“I’ve been watching you for sometime, Colonel.”




“Yes.  I…”


“Just spit it out.”


Malek smiled.  “You Tau’ri have a way with words.”


“Just say it, Commander,” Dixon replied, impatiently.


“Alright.  I’ve been watching you for sometime.”


“You already said that.”


“Yes,” Malek said, clearing his throat.  “Hmm, I find you very attractive.”


Dixon’s eyebrows flew up.  “What did you just say?”


“I find you very attractive,” Malek repeated.


“I thought that’s what you said.”


“Do you find me attractive as well?”  Malek asked, so hesitantly Dixon had to smile.  The other shoe had finally dropped.  The Tok’ra was coming on to him.


“Ah, yes…I guess so.  You’re alright for a Tok’ra.”


He watched Malek’s shoulders droop.  “Does that mean you would like me more if I weren’t Tok’ra?”  He asked sadly.


“Never said that.”


Malek’s blue eyes met his.  “Then you do like me?”  The shoulders lifted.  


“Never said that.”


Those slight shoulders drooped again.  “Then you don’t like me?”


“Never said that either.  What do you want, Commander?  Just say it.”


“The Tau’ri have a way of making things so difficult,” Malek whispered softly.


“Yup.  What do you want, Commander?”  Dixon asked again.


“I will ‘spit it out’ as you so quaintly put it.”


“About fucking time,” Dixon replied.  Smiling at the look Malek gave him.  Missing the indrawn breath.


“I’d like you to be my consort,” Malek whispered.




“I’d like you to be my consort.”


“Look, Commander…if you want me to understand you’re going to have to speak up.  Quit whispering.”


“I.  WANT.  YOU.  TO.  BE.  MY.  CONSORT,  Malek yelled.  Loud enough to draw puzzled looks from the Tok‘ra, Jaffa and Tau’ri walking the compound.


“Well that was clear enough,” Dixon replied, wryly.


“I’m sorry.  I did not mean to shout.  But you are most frustrating.”


Dixon smiled.  “Yeah, huh?”


“Please, do not smile at me so,” Malek plead softly.


“Why?”  Dixon asked curiously.


“It is most disconcerting.”


“Ah.  Why do you want me to be your consort?”


“You are most appealing to look at.”


“And?”  Dixon prompted.


“You are most courageous.”




“I could love you,” Malek replied hesitantly.  “If allowed.”


“Could?”  Dixon asked.  Eyeing the extremely nervous Tok’ra.  He wasn’t bad looking for-yeah-a Tok’ra.  Kinda skinny.  With big blue eyes and short, curly brown hair.  It’s not that he wasn’t interested.  He was.  Being a soldier you didn’t really want to limit your options.  And being that there were times where there weren’t any females around.  A male body did just as well to take care of any urges you might have.


He just wasn’t sure how well Malek would survive him.  Dixon was a large man.  A large man in every sense of the word.  Little stopped describing him since he was five.


“Yes.”  Malek’s blue eyes looked over at him shyly.


“Playing in the wrong sandbox don’t you think?”


Sable eyebrows drew together.  “What does that mean?”


“It means-shouldn’t you be making sandcastles with your fellow Tok’ra?”


Blue eyes continued to stare at him puzzled.  “I do not understand.”


Dixon sighed.  “I mean…don’t you have any fellow Tok’ra to consort with?”


Malek sighed.  “I suppose,” He said, reluctantly.


“Then go play with them.”


“I do not want to play with them.  I want to play with you,” Malek said in frustration.


Dixon loud bark of laughter turned heads back toward their little hill.  “You’re funny, Commander.”


Malek smiled.  “I’m glad you think so.  Does that mean you’ll be my consort?”


Dixon eyed Malek, until the Tok’ra turned a bright shade of pink.  “Maybe.  What does being a consort mean to your people?”


“That I would love you and you would love me,” Malek replied as if he may not have made the wisest choice in asking Dixon to be his consort.


“That’s all you want…sex.”


Dixon watched Malek blush darkly.  “Partly, but that is not all.  I would like to love you and be loved by you.”


“You would-would you?”








Dixon eyes the nervous Tok’ra.  “Do I get to test run this consort thing?”


“What do you mean?”


“That means I want to see if we can get along, before I agree to be your consort.”


“How long would you need?”  Malek asked, softly, hope in the light blue eyes.


“Hmm-two weeks should just about be long enough.”  Dixon gave Malek a wolfish smile.  “Might be to long for you though.”




Dixon didn’t answer.  Instead he got up from his little hill.  “Come on.  Might as well get started.  I got the next two days off.”


Melek followed the human meekly unsure of what to expect.  He was led into Dixon’s quarters. 


“Take off your clothes lets see what I got to play with?”   Dixon order as he placed his weapons on his desk.


Malek obeyed with trembling hands.  Silently he stood before the watching human when he was done.


“Kinda skinny ain’t yeah?”


“Do I already displease you?”  Malek asked, unable to hide his disappointment.


“No.  Not really.  I’ll just have to make sure you get more to eat.  Well let me take my clothes off so you can see what you’re getting.  Fair play and all.” Dixon tossed his clothing all over the floor, not caring where it landed.  “Alright, lover-have a look,” He told him, turning to fully face him.


Malek eyes widened.  “Oh, goddess,” He whispered hoarsely.


Dixon smiled at him.  “Think you’re going to survive the next two weeks?”  he asked, walking toward him.


“I…ah…,” Malek said, backing away.


Dixon followed laughing.