Title: Reluctantly Seduced

Author: Angelee

Rating: NC-17

Summary: Captain Kirk offers to help.

Declaimer: Disclaimed

Note: For Kira’s frottage challenge

Feedback address: Angelee79912@yahoo.com

Beta: By my sister Anna. With much thanks. It’s not easy being my beta as I’m always changing things around. So all final errors are mine. With my sincere apologies.


Captain James T. Kirk was in a bad mood. A really, really bad mood.

He’d swear that anyone coming across him could see the black cloud hanging over his head by the way they’d take a step back as he prowled the corridors of the Enterprise.

Yes, he was in a bad mood. A really, really bad mood.

“Hey, Jim-where you going?” The good doctor McCoy asked him innocently enough as he came out of sickbay.

Kirk turned to him angrily. “Fuck off.” He told him. Hazel eyes flashing daggers at him.

“Well, what crawled up your butt and died?” McCoy asked. Not in the least bit intimidated.

Kirk scowled at him. “I’m in a bad mood.”

“No shit.”

The scowl deepened. “Didn’t I just tell you to fuck off?”

McCoy smiled at him. “Yup.”

“Well then?”

“Naw, don’t wanna. I think I’ll just prowl the corridors of the Enterprise with you.”

Kirk sighed. “Go away, Bones.”

“Na. I’d rather fuck with you than fuck off.”

“Now that could be taken in one of several ways.” Kirk said. Eyeing his friend uneasily.

McCoy chuckled. “Yeah? Well blame that on my misspent youth. But you may take my comment in the milder form of the two.”

“Why, thank you.” Kirk said sarcastically.

“No problem. So, where are we going?”

“No where I’m walking around until I get rid of my bad mood.”

McCoy looked over Kirk’s head. “Well so far it’s not working. If that dark cloud got any darker your going to start shooting lighting bolts out of you ears and thunderclaps gonna sound outta your butt.”

Kirk decided not to comment on McCoy’s vulgar words as his First Officer came out of the Science lab. Looking up curiously at the same spot the good doctor was still staring at.

“What is so fascinating, Dr. McCoy? I see nothing to cause such intense scrutiny over the Captain’s head.”

“Don’t you see it, Spock?” McCoy asked with a mischievous smile.

“No. What are we looking for?”

“The dark cloud hanging over the Captain’s head.”

Spock continued to look. Even going around Kirk in his search. “No. I see no dark cloud.”

“Look closer, Spock. It’s there.”

Kirk had had enough. “Bones, stop it. Quit picking on the innocent, naïve Vulcan.” He turned to Spock. “Don’t listen to him, Spock. He’s teasing you. When someone says there’s a black cloud hanging over someone’s head it means that person is in a bad mood. Not that there’s a real cloud there.”

Spock looked over at McCoy almost chidingly. “Oh.”

The doctor’s only response was to give the Vulcan a wide-eyed innocent look.

“McCoy, don’t you have something you should be doing. Like anally probing something?” Kirk asked his friend.

“Fine. I know when I’m not wanted. I’ll go.” McCoy said sighing sadly.

“Good.” Kirk told him with some satisfaction.


“Well, good.”

“Well, fine. I’ll just go then.”

“Good. Go already.”

“Fine. I’m leaving then.” McCoy huffed at him.


McCoy started walking away. He turned back slightly. “Lunch tomorrow?”


“Okay. See ya.”

“See ya.” Kirk responded watching his friend walk back toward sickbay. He turned back toward the Vulcan. “So how are you, Mr. Spock?”

“Fine, Captain.”

“Good. No lasting effects from the pon farr thing?”

“No, Captain.”

Kirk looked the Vulcan over critically. Spock was still really pale. And he seemed to be trembling just a little.

“Are you sure? We can get McCoy back or we can go to sickbay?”

“No, Captain. I do not wish to be poked and prodded at this time.”

Kirk resumed his walking. Not minding one little bit that his First Office had joined him. Odd that. While McCoy seemed to make his bad mood worse. Spock seemed to be giving off calming vibes, easing his bad mood.

“I don’t blame you. McCoy is a good friend, but he can get on your nerves really fast. And before you say anything that means he can be irritating.”

“Ah.” Was Spock’s only reply.

They had gone down a corridor before either one spoke. Kirk breaking the silence first. “Spock, don’t take this the wrong way, but your ex-wife is a bitch.”

“Captain, I do not think that my ex-wife is a female dog. She comes from a respected Vulcan line.” Spock told Kirk seriously.

Kirk bit his lip to keep from laughing and hurting his Vulcan friend’s feeling. “Spock, one of these days we’re going to have to get together and talk about the double meaning of many standard words, okay?”

“Yes, Captain. I would very much appreciate that.”

“For now we’ll start with the word bitch and how I meant it. Okay?”

Spock bowed his head slightly. “Yes, Captain.”

“Let’s go into the lounge. I need a glass of water right about now. It feels like I’ve been walking for hours. Do you want anything?”

“Water, please.”

After getting them both the tallest glasses of ice water he could Kirk motioned for Spock to sit at the nearest table. “Here you go.” He said offering the Vulcan one of the glasses.

“Thank you, Captain.”

Kirk looked over at Spock. “You know what? I’m hungry. Would you like to share something with me? How about a fruit platter?”

“I am not hungry, Captain.” Was the Vulcan solemn response.

“You’re to skinny. If I tell you to eat something you will, right?” Kirk asked giving his First Officer his most winning smile. The same smile that had melted many a female’s heart. And gotten him into many a bed as well.

It seemed to have the same effect on this supposedly emotionless Vulcan as Spock told him. “Very well, Captain.”

Kirk laid out on the table between them a fruit platter. As well as refilling their glasses with more water.

“Eat up, Spock.”

Spock quirked an eyebrow at him. Helping himself to a strawberry. “ I did not know that seeing to the nutritional need of those under him was the responsibility of the Captain.”

Kirk smiled at him picking up a peach slice. “Yes, well not really. Only those First Officers that the Captain thinks are way to skinny.”

“Ah. Were you not going to tell me what you meant by calling my ex-wife a bitch?”

Kirk gagged. Stunned for a moment by Spock’s bluntness. “Hmm, yeah. I was, wasn’t I?”

Spock moved closer. “Are you alright, Captain. Do you need medical assistance?”

Kirk waved him off. “No, no I’m fine. Just got a bit of peach stuck. Give me a minute.” He told him. Getting a much needed drink of water. “Okay, all better. Lets start. Okay, what I meant by calling your ex-wife a bitch is well… she’s a bitch.”

Spock looked over at him raising his eyebrow. “Captain, that does little to clarify…”

“I know, Spock. I know. What I mean is that she was mean and nasty. And had no business treating you the way she did.”

“Captain, I do not see the problem. She chose what is best for her. Quite logical.”

Kirk eyed his friend, handing him another strawberry. “You don’t think she did wrong by leaving you high and dry?”

“No, Captain.” Spock told him accepting it.

“Not that she chose Stonn over you?”

“No, Captain.” Spock said calmly.

“Well, I’d be royally pissed.”

“Why, Captain?” Spock asked curiously.

“Well, not only for the way she dumped me, but for the fact she’d left me with the worst case of blue balls the universe has ever seen.”

Spock looked down at his uniform-clad lap. “Not blue, Captain. Emerald .” He replied. His dark eyes holding just a hint of humor.

Kirk smiled. “Did you just make an off color joke, Spock?”

“Yes, Captain I believe I did.”

“Very nice.” Kirk told him approvingly.

The Vulcan tilted his head. “Why thank you, Captain.”

“No problem. Another piece of fruit?” Kirk asked offering the platter. “Do you have any lasting effect from the Ponn Farr?”

Spock took a slice of peach. “Some, Captain.” He replied reluctantly.

“You don’t have to tell me, if you don’t want to. I just want to make sure my best friend is alright.”

Spock sighed heavily. “I know, Jim. It is just that this is of a very personal nature.”

“I know it is. But friend’s can tell each other anything and if they can help they will. I’m your friend, aren’t I, Mr. Spock?”

Kirk reached out a hand and hesitantly laid it on his friend’s arm. Unsure if the comfort he offered would be accepted.

“Yes, Jim. You are. And I truly thank you, but I do not think I can talk to you about this. Much less help me with it.” Spock replied. Allowing the touch.

“Tell me, Spock. Let’s see.” Kirk said softly.

“I’m having some residual effects of the Plak Tow.” Spock replied so reluctantly and so softly, Kirk almost didn’t hear him.

“What do you mean?”

“I… find myself physically uncomfortable. Extremely so.”

Kirk furrowed his brows, hazel eyes thoughtful as he puzzled out Spock’s statement. Suddenly. “You’re horny?” He asked gently.


“Hmm, physically aroused.”

The Vulcan flushed greenly. “Yes, Captain.”

“That stupid bitch.” Kirk hissed angrily.

“Please, Captain. I think we already discussed that. And it does not help me in my current condition.”

Kirk sighed. “Yes, I know. I’m sorry.”

They sat in silence for along time both lost in their separate worlds. One trying to figure out how to help his hurting friend, the other just hurting.

“Spock, do you know what a lot of young human males do when they get together?” Kirk asked conversationally.

“No, Captain. What?”

“Young human males are ruled by hormones.” Kirk said smiling at his friend. “As are a lot of adult males. But anyway, young males would like nothing better than to hump anything that looks even slightly willing and standing upright. Though the standing part is optional”

“Captain, what has this to do with me?”

“Patience, Spock. I’m getting to that. Well, when I was young-say fifteen or so, I had this friend. I’ll call Freddie. We did everything together Freddie and I. Being as we lived in Iowa-what with all that wide open space, Freddie and I had a lot of places to do it in.”

The Vulcan frowned slightly at Kirk. “What are you trying to tell me, Captain?”

“I’m trying, in an off-handed sort of way, to tell you I can help you with your problem.”

“How, Captain?”

“I’m experienced in the way males love one another.” Kirk told his friend carefully. Waiting to see what he’s reaction would be.

Spock raised an expressive eyebrow. “Really?”

“Yes. I can help you.”

“Captain, I do appreciate the offer, but I am not willing to be what is the phrase ‘any ship passing in the night’?”

Kirk sighed. He knew his reputation was going to rise up on day and slap him in the butt. “What I’m offering you is to help you with your problem, Spock. You are my friend. I love you and there is nothing casual or sordid in what I’m offering you.”


“Spock-let’s be blunt here shall we? Do your balls hurt? Excuse me-your testicles?”

“Yes.” Spock answered reluctantly.

“Do you want relief since that bitch left you high, dry and hurting?”

“Yes, Captain.” Spock said, turning a brighter shade of green.

Kirk smiled at his friend. “Good. I’m glad you’re seeing reason. For this first encounter I think we’ll do it right here. It’s private enough. What do you say?”

Suddenly Spock rose. “Captain, I do not think I can. I will go to my cabin. I thank you for the offer.”

“Computer, engage locks.” Kirk said, before the Vulcan could make it to the door.

Spock raised his hands to keep himself from slamming into it. Sighing softly he laid his open palms and his head against the smooth surface and waited.

Kirk ran a gentle hand over the Vulcan‘s back. “I can help you.”

“Please, Captain…don’t do this.” Spock whispered hoarsely.

“Do what?” Kirk asked. His hands stroking the Vulcan’s thin shoulders. He had lost a lot of weight. Weight he could ill afford to lose. He moved closer. “Make you feel good? End your suffering?”

Kirk moved even closer. So close Spock was sure to feel his erection against his buttocks through the uniform pants they both wore.

Tangling his fingers with those splayed against the lounge door he began a gentle erotic motion with his hips. His cock finding a home between Spock’s butt cheeks. It would have been better if there were no clothes between them, but this was good to. So good.

“You feel good, Spock.” He panted into the nearest pointy ear. “I’m horny, too. Really horny-since leaving your planet. Do you know how sexy you are when you’re all hot and bothered.”

He licked the ear. Earning a shiver. “Is that good?” Kirk asked.

Spock remained silent as Kirk increased the thrusting against the thinly clad butt. “I could come just like this. Just like this. Right here, right up against your ass.”

Kirk could, but it wasn’t enough. He released Spock’s fingers. Stroking the Vulcan’s trembling body. Gently tweaking a pair of nipples. Smiling to himself as Spock gasped.

His hands went lower cupping the Vulcan’s lower abdomen angling him back toward his thrusting cock. It was so hard Kirk could almost feel it trying to tear the fabric free in an desperate attempt to reach Spock.

“Captain, please. Don’t do this. ”Spock pleaded.

“Do what? Make love to my First Officer? Make him feel really good? Help him with his…hmm, problem?”

“Captain, I…”

“I could do you so easily, Spock. Like I did Freddie. So easily.” He told Spock. “I know you could hurt me. But you wouldn’t do that would you? Hurt a friend trying to help?”

When Spock kept silent Kirk moved his hands down cupping his friend gently. “Very nice, Spock. For someone so damn skinny you’re well-hung. Is that a double-ridge on the head of you cock I feel? Very, very nice. I bet that feels real good moving inside a willing ass, hmm, Spock? Mine maybe?”

Kirk could feel the fine tremors shaking the slight form of his friend. Spock was holding himself tightly reined. That wasn’t want he wanted, but for now it would do.

“Is this what hurts, Spock? I bet they do. I’m sorry that bitch hurt you. She could have at least laid you for everything she put you through. That really sucks. Puts you through hell and still doesn’t even come across.”

“That’s one problem you won’t have with me, Spock. I’ll definitely come across.” He whispered into the Vulcans’s ear. His hands stroking the hard flesh thru his uniform. Spock was hard, very, very hard. Painfully hard and leaking copiously, wetting his uniform pants

“You need to get laid don’t you, Spock? Badly. So badly you can almost taste it.”

Kirk began rubbing Spock almost violently with one hand the other cupping the Vulcan’s balls with an iron grip. Knowing instinctively Spock needed a stronger, firmer hold.

Spock threw his head back moaning hoarsely. Like an animal in pain. Hands still braced against the lounge door. He thrust back almost breaking free of Kirk’s grasp. Almost.

“That’s it, Spock. That’s it.” Kirk encouraged seductively. “That’s it. Bring us both off. Fight for you want. Come on, Spock. Come on.”

Kirk twisted his hand against the Vulcan’s cloth-covered penis. The cloth a hindrance, but in no way about to keep him from getting what he wanted. Violently, viciously he continued to stroke Spock as he thrust against him, driving him into the door.

“Almost there, Spock. Almost there.” He panted into the nearest pointy ear. “Almost. Almost. Ah. THERE.” Kirk screamed.

Suddenly the Vulcan turned tackling Kirk sending them both flying into the lounge and onto the floor. They slid ending up against one of the couches. Kirk moaned softly still deep in his orgasm.

Unable to respond as Spock positioned him and began to thrust violently into his groin. Echoes of pain mixed with pleasure tingled through him as his still extremely sensitive penis was stimulated by the hard thrusts against it.

“Ah. Ah. Ah.” Kirk panted softly, in time with the Spock’s thrustings. He opened his eyes to find him covered in sweat struggling desperately above him.

“It’s been to long for you hasn’t it, baby? Way to long. You’re having trouble. You should have come when I did.”

Kirk’s hands caressed down the thin back cupping the flexing buttocks. Finding that he’d soaked Spock’s pants. “Oh, yeah. I got you all wet with my come didn’t I, baby? Does it feel good? Like it? I know I do. Hell, yeah. I wanna do it again. Only this time I wanna be inside you. Inside that tight little butt of yours. Be so deep inside no one will ever find me. No one will even know where to look”

He clutch handfuls of flesh. Wanting Spock to kiss him. Desperately wanting a kiss. Did Vulcan’s even kiss? He wanted a kiss. Badly. Kisses. Long, deep, hungry kisses.

Arching up against Spock he wanted a kiss so badly. He doubted that he’d even wanted anything in his life as much as he wanted a kiss from Spock right now. Oh, god how he wanted a kiss.

“Spock, come for me.” He said instead.

“C…can not.” Spock whispered hoarsely. Drenched in sweat he fought to find the release cruelly being denied him.

Kirk pulled the Vulcan to him tightly. Quickly and with no warning he bit Spock hard on the shoulder.

A gutteral scream filled the room as Spock spasmed against him. “That’s it, baby. That’s it. Give it to me. Be better if it were in me, but this is good. This is just fine. Next time. Next time you can come in me if you like.”

Kirk gently caressed a pointy, sweat-soaked ear. “I want you in me. I wanna feel that double-ridged cock in me so badly I can taste it. I want it all. But right now there’s only one thing I want more.”

Spock laid his head against Kirk’s shoulder weakly. “Which would be what, Jim?”

“I want you to kiss me. Do Vulcan’s kiss, Spock? If not you’d better learn because I like kisses. Lots and lots of kisses.”



Silence filled the room as they cuddled. Allowing their heatbeats to slowly return to normal. Kirk enjoying holding Spock close.

So Spock-how are your balls, now?” Kirk asked, laying a gentle kiss in the Vulcan’s hair.

“Not emerald anymore, Captain. Back to green I think.” Spock replied from where his head lay on Kirk’s shoulder.

“Really? Can I see for myself?” Kirk asked mischievously. His hand going between their two bodies to stroke the Vulcan gently.

“By all means, Jim. You may look. You may touch. You may take. You may do what ever you like.” Spock replied, moving sensually into the touch.

“Good. But first I want you to do something for me.”

Spock looked up. “Yes, Jim.”

“Kiss me.”