Title: Embarrassment of Riches
Author: Angelee
Pairing: Fraser/Blair/Jim/Ray (preslash)
Summary: Christmas on a snowy mountain, four beautiful men-what could happen?
Embarrassment of Riches
Blair looked down at one of his very wet companions. “I know buddy. I’m cold and wet too. And all because Jim-The Super Cop had to go chasing The Bad Guys through the Cascade Mountains. Through icy roads we shouldn’t have been on, I might add. Landing us in a ditch full of freezing water. Now the truck is broken and we have no way of getting back to Cascade,” Blair said glaring at Super Cop. “and now with snow coming according to Fraser, a bad snow storm. So not only are we very wet we’re going to freeze to death out here. You’re lucky you didn’t get killed sitting in the back of the truck when we went flying into the ditch, Deif. Are you sure you’re alright?” he asked the wolf, expecting him to answer.
The white wolf looked up at Blair and woofed slightly, shaking his soaked fur.
Jim looked at Blair apologetically. “I said I was sorry and I did apologize to Dief.”
“That he did, Blair.”
“I know, Ray. But being stuck out in the middle of nowhere an ‘I’m sorry’ just doesn’t cut it,” Blair told Ray Kowalski. The blond Chicago detective along with his unofficial partner Benton Fraser had been sent to collect two escaped prisoners. Fraser was currently scouting the area for proper shelter. “and besides we don’t even have the escaped prisoners to show for it. They’re probably in a nice hotel room all warm and cozy and ordering room service right about now laughing their buns off.”
Ray chuckled. “Yeah. You’re probably right about that. It’ll be alright. Fraser will find us someplace warm to wait out the snow.”
“How long did Ben say we had before it hits?”
“About an hour,” Ray replied, looking out toward the area his Mountie had gone.
Blair sighed. Trying his best to fling the collected water from his hair. Flinging it vengefully at his Sentinel.
Jim glared at him balefully. “Stop it.”
“Why? It’s your fault we’re out here. You and you stunt car maneuvers could have gotten us all killed. I’m just lucky that Ben caught me or I would have gotten tossed out the windshield.”
“Well, I for one wish you had. Maybe that would have kept your big mouth shut.”
“Ha, I would have come back as a ghost and haunted your dreams for the rest of your life,” Blair told him, a twinkle his in large, expressive blue eyes.
Jim sighed unhappily. “Just my luck.”
Blair chuckled. “Yup. And I love you, too.”
Ray watched the Cascade detective and his official observer. Their relationship was close. He wished that his and Fraser was just as close. He sighed softly. Maybe some day.
Just then his favorite Mountie came walking calmly through the bushes. “I have found a cabin half a mile to the south. We can seek shelter there.”
“Hey, Ray, I’ll trade you,” Blair said, looking over at the Chicago Detective who’d quickly become one of his friend as they started walking toward the area Fraser had indicated the cabin was. “Yeah, I’ll trade you Jim for Fraser.”
“Hey,” Jim protested loudly.
“Yeah,” Blair continued totally ignoring his glaring Sentinel. “one car stunting detective who has ruined, what is it now Jim, two cars in as many years? Who hates everything and everyone for one totally cool and self-sufficient Mountie with a even cooler white wolf.”
Said wolf made an agreeable noise making them all laugh. “Deif seem to like that idea, Blair. We might be able to make a deal, but let me think about it,” Ray told him.
“Good idea, Ray,” Jim said grabbing his partner by the back of his very wet neck giving him an affectionate shake “Don’t be giving me away to strangers. I know where you live and what you’re into, buddy mine.”
“Ow! Quit it. I’m not into anything,” Blair denied.
“Oh yeah? What about you and those copies of Anthropology Today. I saw how you looked at those pictures of the ruins in the Andes. You were drooling.”
Blair scoffed, “like that’s a big secret, everyone knows I drool over ruins.”
“Oh, yeah how about the way you were looking at that skeleton. That male skeleton, I might add.”
“You wouldn’t?”
Jim nodded his cap-covered head. “I would. I’ll take a whole page ad in the Cascade Today, just to advertise it, too.”
Blair shook his head sending water spraying all over everyone. “Oh, man-that’s just cold.”
“Yes it is. Care to give me away again?”
“Oh, all right I’ll keep you for a little while longer,” Blair said reluctantly. “though I’d really rather have Fraser,” Blair added, smiling up at his Sentinel affectionately.
Jim took Blair into a bear hug. “Yeah, I know you would but, you’ll just have to suffer. Are you sure you didn’t get hurt when we hit the ditch?”
Blair returned the hug. “I’m fine, really. Is that the cabin you were talking about, Ben?” He asked, pulling away from his Sentinel slowly.
“Yes, that’s the one.”
Ray moved toward the door. “Greatness. Finally someplace warm.”
“Ray, we cannot just break in,” Fraser told him shocked.
Ray rolled his eyes. “Oh, please Frase-would you rather fucking freeze.”
“Language, Ray,” Fraser replied automatically, which earned him another eye roll as Ray jimmied the lock.
“Ta da,” the blond said, opening the door to allow his wet, shivering companions in.
“Ray, does the Chicago PD know you know how to break into cabins,” Blair asked as he took off his wet jacket.
The slight detective put a finger to his lips. “Shh, our secret. Don’t want me to lose my job do you?”
“Heaven forbid,” Blair replied looking around. “Hey, all the comforts of home. Actually more than.”
The cabin was large. With a fireplace taking up the whole southern wall and a open kitchen. It was large and spacious with a long couch talking up a primary spot in front of the fireplace.
“There’s only one bedroom, but take a look at the size of the bed,” Jim said as opened one of the only two door in the cabin. “who the hell lives here that they need a bed that big? I didn’t even know beds came that big.”
Ray whistled. “Shit, that looks like it’ll be big enough for five people.”
“I’ll light the fireplace so we can start to warm up,” Fraser offered.
Before to long all four of them and one very wet wolf were moaning in sheer delight as they crowded around it. The warmth from the fireplace easing the chill that had gone all the way to their bones.
“Oh, Ben-you are the greatest,” Blair told the Mountie happily.
Fraser smiled. “Why thank you kindly, Blair.”
Blair returned the smile shyly. “You are very welcome my Mountie friend. Wanna marry me and move to Cascade?” he asked, only half jokingly as he looked up into the very handsome face of the Canadian Mountie. Watching Fraser blush bright pink.
Blair had become friends quickly with Ray Kowalski, but Fraser was different. It’s not that the Mountie was standoffish. It was more that for someone as beautiful as Fraser was he was equally as shy. Almost to the point of being immobilized by it.
Blair met Fraser’s eyes wanting desperately to easy the loneliness he saw in those blue depths, but it wasn’t time yet. Not yet, but soon. Very soon. Almost as if Fraser sensed Blair’s thoughts the blush deepened.
Jim shoved his Guide gently breaking into Blair’s thoughts. “Quit it. Leave Fraser alone.”
Blair looked away from Fraser. “Ow! Are you getting jealous, Jim? Don’t be jealous I’ll always love you best even if I like Ben more,” Blair told him, playfully shoving back.
Jim rolled his eyes. “Oh, please. We all know you’re extremely easy. Just ask the nearest table leg.”
“Oh, now that’s just mean. Ben make Jim leave me alone,” Blair said, moving closer to the Mountie’s burly warmth, shivering slightly.
Fraser smiled. “Jim-Blair respectfully requests that you leave him alone.” Shyly pulling Blair to his side when he noticed the curly-haired man shivering.
Before Jim could reply Ray’s stomach growled. “I’m really hungry. Lets see if there’s anything to eat.”
“I think Blair needs to get out of his wet clothing before he catches a cold,” Fraser said softly.
“I’m always cold, Ben. I’ll be alright for a little while yet. Let’s see what’s in the kitchen.”
Fraser frowned, but did as Blair requested. “Well, will you look at that,” Ray said as they looked through the kitchen cabinets. “Someone sure wanted to make sure they were well stocked for the holidays. There’s even a couple of turkeys in here,” He added sticking his head into the wide freezer.
“Yeah, well the way the snows starting to come down I don’t think whoever owns this cabin is not going to make it back here,” Jim replied, looking out the kitchen window. “Looks like we just barely made it. Did somebody try the phone?”
“Dead,” Ray replied, holding it up.
“Figures,” Jim sighed. “guess we’re stuck here over Christmas.”
Blair saw the worried look in Ben’s blue eyes. He went to where the Mountie stood in the middle of the kitchen. “Don’t worry, Ben,” He said, touching his arm gently. “we’ll either replace what we eat or leave money to cover the cost. It’ll be alright.”
Fraser gave him a tiny smile. “Thank, you, Blair. That makes me feel better.”
“Don’t worry so much it’ll only give you ulcers,” Blair told him softly. Then impulsively gave the Mountie a hug.
Fraser stiffened not exactly sure how he was suppose to respond. Wide, shocked eyes looked over at Jim who was watching quietly.
Then the Sentinel smiled at him. “You have now officially entered the Sandburg Zone. Do not fight it, do not resist. Not that you could once you’ve entered. You might as well hug him back or he’ll drip all over you till you do.” Slowly Fraser’s arms came around the curly-headed man awkwardly hugging back. “Blair, is very affectionate. The touchy feely type. I think it has to do with his hippy-type upbringing You’ll get use to it. Okay, Blair he’s hugged back. Let him go before you completely freak him out. Why don’t you and Ray go and see if you can find something dry to change into before you catch pneumonia, while Fraser and I make some lunch?”
Blair pulled away slowly. Eyes twinkling mischievously he wrapped his hands around the back of Fraser’s neck and pulled him down quickly giving him a sloppy kiss on the forehead before bouncing away to gather Ray in the search for dry clothing.
Fraser stood still for a long moment blue eyes slightly dazed before Jim’s chuckling brought him out of it. “Like I said before Blair is affectionate to the extreme. If he likes you the more touches and expressions of affections you’ll get. And I’d say Blair really like you.”
“I…I don’t…” Fraser trailed off feeling the blush burning his face hotly.
Jim touched Fraser’s arm. “You’ll get use to it. Blair loves to touch it’s just the way he is. Fraser?” The Mountie looked up. “Don’t hurt him. If you hurt him you’ll answer to me,” Jim told him, blue eyes going cold and hard.
“I…I would never hurt him, Jim. Not on purpose. I’m just not use to being touched so readily.”
“I know. That’s the way I was at first too. Blair broke through my barriers with 180 pounds of sheer happy bounciness. Now I wouldn’t have it any other way. Neither will you-you’ll see. Just don’t hurt him,” Jim warned again.
“I won’t,” Fraser promised solemnly.
While Fraser and Jim set about making something to eat, Blair and Ray searched for something to change into to. Talking and cheerfully teasing each other as they searched.
Ray and Blair had taken to each other right from the start. Both affectionate and if not easy going, at least on Ray’s part, they’d become good friends.
“Hey, look, Ray this’ll fit you,” Blair said, holding up a pair of jeans at least five sizes bigger than the Chicago Detective would normal wear.
“Are you sayin’ I’m fat?”
“Well if the jeans fits…” Blair never got to finish as Ray launched himself at the curly-haired man, tumbling him to the ground.
Blair and Ray’s laughter echoes through the cabin as the rolled around the floor like a couple of happily playing puppies.
“Knock it off you two and come and eat,” Jim told them, shaking his head smiling.
Both men on the floor turned to look at him then at each other before tackling each other all over again. Rolling all over the wide floor. Making Deif skip out of the way several times to keep from getting run over.
“Shall I separate them, Jim?”
“Na, let them wear themselves out. They’ll sleep better tonight,” Jim replied as if they were eight year olds needing to use up excess energy.
“Are you sure?” Fraser asked skeptically.
“Yup. You’ll thank me for it later. Here have a sandwich. Want coffee or tea?”
“Tea, please.”
Jim fetched the teapot from one of the several low counters. “This sure is one well stocked kitchen. Wish mine had half as much stuff as this one does. Earl Gray or Chamomile?”
“Chamomile, please.”
Jim poured hot water over the tea. “Tomorrow’s Christmas Eve.”
“We’re going to be snowed in.”
“It seems so.”
“Language, Jim,” Fraser replied, taking the cup of tea the Sentinel offered.
“Sorry,” Jim said absently, knowing how the Mountie felt about cussing. “it’s just that this is the second Christmas Blair’s spent with me and I wanted to make it special. I never cared for the holidays before and I really messed up the first one and I wanted to make it up to Blair. I had it all planned. Got the biggest turkey in Cascade I could find with all the trimming, all ready to go. Got him a Christmas present that took me months to find.” Jim looked over at his curly-haired partner still rolling around the floor with Ray. Deif barking happily chasing after them as they rolled. “Shit,” he said sadly. “it’s all my fault we’re stuck here.”
“It’s not your fault we hit a patch of black ice, Jim. Only your driving skills kept us all from getting killed. The only thing that suffered through all this was your truck and it can be fixed. And besides we may be away from home, Jim. But we can still make Christmas special for Blair.”
Jim turned to look at Fraser. “You think so?”
“I know so. We have everything here. There’s a turkey in the freezer. If we start thawing it now it should be ready for Christmas Eve.”
Ray and Blair had finally stopped rolling. The curly-haired man pushing at the slight blond. “Get off, chubby. You weigh a ton.”
“Who you calling chubby?”
“Well, if the chub fits…” He said, laughing up at Ray.
“Oh, I’m goin’ to get you for that.”
Blair pushed at him again. “Ha. You and who’s army?”
“Just me. That’s all I need.”
“Ha.” Ray started tickling Blair. “Ow. Stop. Stop.”
“Give. Say Uncle.”
“Never. Unto my dying breath, never,” Blair vowed breathlessly. “Ow! Ow! Ah! Stop! Stop!”
“Give,” Ray said, tickling Blair’s side unmercifully.
“Never. Jim. Jim, help. Help.”
“Oh, callin’ for reinforcements are ya?”
“Hell, yeah. Jim! Jim! He’s killing me-help,” Blair called, giggling helplessly.
“Sorry buddy. No can do. I’m eating,” Jim replied, taking a huge bite of his ham sandwich.
“Ah, you’re suppose to be my friend.”
“Am,” Jim said as he took another bite of his sandwich. “but you don’t need any help, he’s a skinny little twerp, you can take him.”
“Hey!” Ray glared at the grinning Sentinel. “What’s this with my weight? Is this pick on the kid from Chicago day?”
“Yup,” Blair declared happily as he deftly flipped Ray over pinning him.
Ray looked up at him stunned. “Hey, you cheated.”
“Yup. Learned that move from Jim,” He rested his weight heavily against that of his new friend earning a grunt of pain. “Do you surrender.”
“No,” Ray declared defiantly, blue eyes flashing merrily.
Blair tried to tangle his fingers in Ray’s short, spiky, blond hair-couldn’t so he grabbed his angular face. “Do you surrender?” He whispered menacingly.
“Okay. I will resort to other means to win this battle of wills.”
Blair proceeded to kiss Ray’s face. Laying butterfly kisses all over the stunned face looking up at him. “Surrender, now.”
“No,” Ray replied, trying to avoid Blair’s mouth, giggling. “Never.”
Blair using more pressure held Ray still. “Last chance. Surrender.”
Given his answer, Blair held Ray still as he lowered his face to kiss the blond senseless. Even going as far as to stick his tongue into Ray’s mouth. When he pulled away the blond wiped his mouth. “Blah, that has got to be the worst kiss I’ve ever had.”
“It’s true. Deif kisses better than that,” Ray declared. The white wolf who’d been watching them with great interest agreed with a short bark.
“Want another one see if I can do better?” Blair challenged softly.
Ray tilted his head to one side, thinking about it. “Na. Not right now. I’d rather eat.”
Blair looked at him. “Yeah, me too. Later?”
Ray pushed Blair off him. “I’ll think about it. Not to hard though your kissing sucks.”
“Ow!” Blair landed on the floor hard. “Watch it. Does not.”
“I’ve never had any complaints.”
Ray offered his hand to his new friend. “Who you been kissin’ brick walls?”
“Brick walls, my ass,” Blair said, excepting Ray’s hand.
“Yeah, well that’s the only thing that wouldn’t be complainin’.”
Blair jumped on Ray’s back, wrapping his arms around the blond’s neck. “Damn, and you’re sayin’ about me being fat?” Ray complained as he carried Blair toward Jim, Fraser and food. “Jim, you gotta teach Blair here how to kiss. He kisses like a woose.”
“You’ve got to quit using so much gel, Blondie. These spikes could cause a mortal wound,” He told Ray. “No. I don’t. Huh, Jim?” He added, looking at his Sentinel from where his head rested on top of Ray’s head.
“Well, I don’t have any complaints,” Jim said smiling.
Blair peered down at Ray from the over the top of the blond’s head. “See.”
Ray made a disparaging sound. “Right. Jim’s your friend. He’ll lie for you.”
“No he wouldn’t. No you wouldn’t, huh Jim?”
“Nope,” Jim replied, taking a deep swallow of his coffee. “much.”
“What?” Blair asked, frowning.
“I wouldn’t lie for you, much,” Jim said, giving Blair a tiny smile.
“Are you saying I don’t kiss good?”
“Never said that.”
“Well what are you saying?”
“I’m saying that you kiss good most of the time.”
“Huh? Oh, never mind I’ll sort this out after I eat, maybe,” Blair said dismissively, sliding off Ray. He went to the table offering a sandwich to the blond before taking one for himself. Blair didn’t even bother offering Ray tea. Knowing the blond hated it with a passion, instead pouring him coffee after going to his jacket and taking out a soggy bag of M &M’s. Earning a grateful smile from his new friend. Ray loved M &M’s in his coffee so Blair and Jim had taken to carrying them around with them. Just in case the need for them arose.
Fraser watched blue eyes wide, stunned by the open and loving relationship Jim and Blair shared. Now including Ray. Remembering back to the accident when Jim had frantically checked Blair over to make sure his friend wasn’t hurt once they‘d gotten out of the truck and the water-filled ditch they‘d landed in. Blair had held still patiently allowing the shaking hands to examine him. Then Jim had checked Ray, then Fraser and finally Deif just as carefully. All held very still as he’d done it, knowing instinctively that it was something Jim had to do.
Now Fraser watching Blair horse-play with Ray. Saw the kiss they’d shared. His partner did not seem repulsed by the fact he’d just been kissed by a man. Fraser had always thought Ray was straight. Yet he’s accepted Blair’s kiss so matter a fact, so playfully.
Jim seemed to be no stranger to Blair’s kisses as well. Had so much as said so. Blair had kissed a man such a Jim and Jim had allowed it. Seemed to relish that Blair kissed him all the time. Yet he’d heard Jim and Blair talk of the women they had dated. It would seem that they were bi. As it seemed so was his partner-that in itself was quite a revelation. And he, where did Benton Fraser fit in all this? Did he even fit in all this?
So lost in thought he never noticed the wide, expressive blue eyes watching him thoughtfully.
Blair and Ray had easily found clothing to change into. They’d had to tighten their belts quite a bit. Jim and Fraser had to settle for wearing bathrobes, while their clothes dried. There just wasn’t enough clothing to go around.
Blair now lay on the floor by the fireplace reading a book he’d found on one of the bookshelves on American Indians of the Southwest. Head resting comfortably on Deif’s massive white shoulder. The wolf now feed and dried carefully by Blair who’d seen to Deif’s care since he’d come into their lives. Deif didn’t seem to find it the least bit offensive being used as a pillow. Blair’s curly-hair spread all over him like a dark blanket.
“Blair,” Ray called softly. He’d been checking out the music system in the cabin. Finding something suitable it now echoed through the cabin.
“What?” Blair said distractedly, turning the page of his book.
“Blair,” Ray called again.
“What?” He said yet again, finally looking over to where Ray stood waiting.
The blond offered his hand. “Dance with me?”
Blair looked at his curiously for a moment before laying his book down and rising. “Okay.”
For the next forty minutes the cabin the cabin was filled with the sounds of music and the sight of Blair and Ray happily dancing around it.
Ray twirled Blair around. “Hey, you dance better than you kiss.”
Blair’s face shone pinkly from the exertion. “Naomi likes to dance. A lot.”
“You’re better than my ex-wife.”
“Is that good?”
“Yup, we won a couple of awards,” Ray replied, pulling Blair close then twirled him away.
“Yeah, I guess.”
“Do you miss her?”
“Sometime. I went alittle crazy there for awhile, but I’m better. Expecially times like now,” Ray told him blue eyes twinkling happily. “with great new friends like you and Jim.”
“I’m glad. I just wish…”
Ray pulled Blair to him for a slow dance. “What?”
“I just wish you and Ben could stay,” Blair said wistfully.
“What in Cascade?”
“Yeah. But I know you can’t,” Blair replied, burying his head against the blond’s neck.
“I wouldn’t mind, Blair.”
Blair looked up. “Really?”
Ray smiled. “Really. I got nothing in Chicago. My parents are in Arizona with my brother and their grandkids. I got an empty apartment, a turtle and Fraser. That’s it.”
“Yeah, but Fraser more than makes up for everything else.”
“Yeah, he does. But there are time where Fraser seems so lost and lonely and I don’t know what to do about it. I’m afraid he’ll push me away if I try and then all I’ll have is and empty apartment, a turtle and no Fraser.”
“Losing Fraser would scare me, too.”
“Yeah, so I settle for what I can get,” Ray sighed softly. “even if I want more.”
Blair turned to look at the Mountie who was quietly watching them dance. Blair smiled at him. The smile was returned shyly, pale cheeks darkening in the ever ready blush. “Ray, do you trust me?”
“Do you trust me with Ben?”
“What do you mean?”
Blair pulled Ray closer. “I think he wants more than he’s letting on, but he’s afraid.”
“Think so?”
“Yeah, I’ve seen the look in his eyes. He wants the closeness, the touching, the kisses.”
Ray snickered into the side of Blair’s neck. “Even yours?”
“Funny ha-ha. Yeah, even mine. Do you trust me not to break him?” Blair asked.
“Course I do, Blair.”
“You’ll let me touch him without killing me?”
“Yeah, if that’s what he wants.”
“Thing is-that may not be what he thinks he wants at least not at first.”
“Gonna defrost him first then?”
“Yup,” Blair replied, looking over at the Mountie from beneath his lashes. Smiling inwardly when he saw Fraser nervously stroke his eyebrow. Fleeting wondering how Ben keep from rubbing all the hair off that poor eyebrow, he rubbed it so much.
“What about Jim?”
Blair tightened his arms around the swaying blond. “Jim loves me.”
“He’s gonna let you do what you’ve got planned?”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because Jim loves me and he’s happy with whatever makes me happy,”
“Yeah, but your talking about seducing another man, an emotional half-frozen one at that.”
“My relationship with Jim has always been based on trust, from the very first. And despite what he says I don’t go with just anyone. I never have. I want Ben and I want you. In my life anyway I can have you. I’ve already talked to Jim about this. When I knew what I wanted and wished for even if it seemed kind of impossible at the time.”
“You have?” Ray said, stunned.
“Yup and he understands. He wants what I want.”
“Big macho Jim wants Fraser and me?” The blond just about squeaked.
“Oh, yeah. What’s not to want?”
“But I thought Jim was straight.”
“Bi. Like me.”
“I was married for the longest time and was always faithful, but I knew I could be drawn to guys,” Ray admitted. “even though I never did anything about it.”
“Me and Jim?” Blair asked hopefully.
“You and Jim,” Ray agreed with a tiny smile.
“Cool. Now all we gotta do is convince Fraser.”
“I don’t think it’ll take to much convincing. Especially where you’re concerned. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. I don’t think he’s ever met anyone quite like you,” Ray said chuckling softy.
Blair joined in. “Neither had Jim when we first met. You should have seen him. Shoved me up against a wall and called me a neo hippie witchdoctor punk or something there abouts.”
“Hmm. But he likes me now,” Blair said with some satisfaction.
“Yeah, he does. Do you think Fraser could ever like me the way Jim does you?” Ray said so wistfully it hurt Blair to hear.
He tightened his arms around his new friend as they continued to sway together. Not even really dancing to the music anymore. “He likes you, Ray. I’d even venture to say he loves you. He just doesn’t know how to say or show it.”
Ray sighed sadly. “His Dad, Grandma and Grandpa really messed him up. If I could I reached out to wherever they ended up and kick them in the head I would, for what they’ve done to him. He needs love, to be touched, held and he has no idea how to go about getting or asking for what he needs.”
“We can help him, Ray. You, Jim and me.”
“You think so?”
“I know so, but you got to be sure that’s what you want. Once we start there’s no going back. Look at me, Ray. I don’t think I’m going to be able to give either one of you up. I want you guys a lot.”
Ray looked into the Blair’s somber blue eyes. “We’ll think of something, Blair. We can work it out. Even if Fraser and I have to fly out here or you fly out to Chicago every couple of weeks. We’ll think of something, I swear it.”
Blair rested his forehead against Ray’s. “You sure this is what you want?”
The curly-haired man gave him a brillant smile. “Okay. Wanna watch me thaw out a emotionally frozen Mountie?”
Ray nodded. “More than anything.”
Blair turned toward the Mountie who had not stopped watching them. “Ben?”
“Y…yes, Blair?”
“Ray says I suck at kissing,” Blair said mournfully.
Blair walked slowly over toward where Fraser sat at the kitchen table. “Hmm, hmm. And Jim practically admitted it. Didn’t you, Jim?”
Jim looked up from the magazine he was reading as he sat on the couch near the fireplace. “Yup,” He replied, knowing what Blair was doing. There really wasn’t any doubt the Fraser would fall under Blair‘s seduction. What was in question was how fast.
Jim smiled as Fraser visibly gulp as Blair slowly walked over toward him. He put down his magazine. It was no competition for what was happening right here in the cabin on a snowy night, the day before Christmas Eve.
“Do you think he can do it?” Ray whispered, sitting next to Jim on the couch.
“Oh, yeah. And Fraser will never be the same again,” Jim whispered back, eyes on the unfolding drama. Yup-the Mountie would never be the same. “none of us will.”
Ray looked over at Jim. “Are you okay with that?”
Jim smiled. “More than.”
The blond detective returned the smile. “Greatness.”
“Yup, they’re telling me I suck at kissing,” Blair said softly, straddling Fraser’s lap. “Maybe you can settle the whole matter for me. Please?”
Fraser pulled at the collar of his robe uncomfortably. “H…how?”
Blair eyed Fraser mouth. “Kiss me.”
“B…Blair,” Fraser said, shocked.
“Kiss me, Ben.” Blair urged, seductively.
“I…I can’t.”
“Why not?” Blair asked, licking the side of Fraser’s mouth.
“I…I don’t know.”
“Well, if you don’t know why you can’t, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t, now is there?” Blair settled himself closer against the shivering Mountie. “Kiss me.”
Fraser looked over Blair’s shoulder at the Sentinel. “Jim?”
Jim shook his head. “I’m sorry, buddy. You’re on your own.”
“Ray?” Fraser’s voice held a plaintive note.
“Sorry, Frase. You have to learn how to deal with affection and love when it’s willing offered. Take it. You won’t get another chance like this again. None of us will.”
“I…I don’t know how,” Fraser whispered heartbreakingly.
“It’s easy, Ben. Open your mouth,” Blair urged.
Fraser eyed Blair’s sensual lips. “I…I.”
“Don’t be afraid, Ben. I won’t hurt you. It’s just a kiss.”
Warm, moist air brushed over Fraser’s face and he moaned. “I…I’m afraid.”
“Don’t be. I won’t hurt you. None of us here will. You need to stop being afraid of what you need. Reach out and take it, Ben.”
Blair gently placed his lips over Fraser’s. Noticing the trembling had increasing substantially. He gently licked at the lips under his, coaxingly. Waiting for Ben to decide what he wanted to do.
Slowly, ever so slowly the mouth opened to allow Blair in. The curly-haired man sighed happily as his tongue entered to play with Ben’s. After a long moment he pulled away.
“See, that wasn’t so bad. Now was it?”
“N..no. Blair?”
“Yes, Ben?”
“Might I have another?” The Mountie asked, hesitantly.
“Oh, yeah.”
They kissed for along time. Slowly, passionately. It grew in intensity as Fraser became more confident and less afraid. Open-mouthed and hungry they made love to one another with their lips.
Fraser was the first to pull away. An unsteady hand reaching up to touch his swollen lips. “Blair?”
The curly-haired man looked up from nuzzling Fraser’s neck. “Yes, Ben?”
“I…I think you kiss very well.”
Blair gave him a brillant smile. “Why thank you, Ben.”
Fraser returned it shakily. “You’re very welcome. Can I have some more kisses, please?”
“As many as you like, Ben. Whenever you like. Do you want kisses from Jim and Ray as well?”
“N…not yet.” Fraser looked over to where Ray and Jim sat watching. “I…I’m not ready. I’m sorry,” He said sadly.
“Don’t worry about it, Fraser,” Jim replied. “When you’re ready.”
“Ray?” Fraser’s eyes met those of his partner’s pleading for understanding.
The blond nodded. “No worries, Fraze. When you’re ready,” Ray agreed with Jim.
“I want this, truly I do,” Fraser confirmed what they all already knew.
Blair kissed Fraser’s forehead. “With all of us?”
“Y…yes. I…I shouldn’t, but I do.”
“Why shouldn’t you?” Blair asked, looking curiously into Fraser’s trouble blue eyes. “Do you think it’s wrong?”
“N…no,” Fraser gave another shaky smile. “I think perhaps it might be an embarrassment of riches.”
Blair cupping Fraser’s face in gentle hands. “Don’t you think you might deserved to have some riches, Ben? In the form of love from one gorgous man-the one sitting in your lap by the way and two so-so looking ones?”
The two so-so men on the couch protested loudly. Making Fraser laugh. “Do I say yes?”
Blair nodded. “You say yes, Ben.”
“I may not be able to move to the next level for a while, Blair.”
“Not to worry, Ben. When you’re ready to have a physical relationship with us, we’ll be ready,” Blair promised. “we can keep it to kisses and hugs for now.”
Fraser kissed the lips inches from his. “Thank-you, Blair.”
“No problem, my friend.”
He looked over at two men still sitting on the couch. “Thank you, Ray, Jim.”
“No problem, buddy,” Jim answered for both of them.
They all watched in alarm as Fraser’s beautiful blue eyes filled with tears. “I never in my wildest dreams expected to have a gift such as this given to someone like me.”
Blair licked the tears. “What does that mean, Ben? You’re beautiful, smart, compassionate, loving. If anyone deserved love it would be you. How long have you been lonely all the way to your soul, Ben?”
“A…all m…my l…life,” Fraser replied, breath hitching.
“We can change that. All of us. You will never be lonely again. You’ll have all three of us to love and take care of you. All you’ve got to do is reach out and take it. It’s all yours.”
“And I am to take care of Ray, Jim and you,” Fraser whispered softly.
Blair nodded. “Yes, Ben.”
Fraser reached out a trembling hand to touch Blair’s face. “Why are you so smart? Smarter than anyone I’ve ever met. You see to people’s souls. How is that possible?”
Blair moved his face into the trembling carress. “I met a Shaman not long ago. He passed his powers on to me. I’ll tell you about it one day.”
“Alright,” Fraser nodded slowly, blue eyes looked tiredly into Blair’s. Overwhelmed by the emotional upheaval he’d undergone.
“Want to go to bed?” Blair asked quietly.
“Just to sleep,” Blair promised him with a small smile. “Maybe some hugs and kisses, but no more than that, until you’re ready.”
Blair got off Fraser’s lap. Offering his hand to the emotionally exhausted Mountie. “Come.” On the way to the bedroom he gathered Jim and Ray.
Morning found Blair on top of Fraser sharing lazy kisses. Ray moving sensually on top of Jim doing the same. Blair murmured Jim’s name causing the blond detective to move over slighty as the curly-headed man met his Sentinel’s lips hungrily before gently, leading him toward Fraser.
Fraser held still for the barely there touch of Jim’s lips. Unsure of what to do.
“Open your mouth, Ben. Let Jim in. He won’t hurt you. None of us will.”
Fraser did as Blair gently urged. Making soft sounds of distress as Jim’s tongue touched his. When Jim’s hands tangled in his hair, the sounds of distress increased.
“Easy, Ben, easy. Go with it. Kiss Jim back. He kisses really well. Let him kiss you,” Blair urged quietly.
Fraser closed his eyes tightly, opening his mouth wide. Jim cupped his face and went after him hungrily almost overwhelming Fraser with his need. Blair wasn’t the only one that wanted the handsome Mountie.
Fraser opened his eyes slowly when the kiss ended. “Good, huh?” Blair said smiling at him.
He nodded slowly. “Y…yes.”
“A kiss from Ray now?”
Fraser nodded again. Unable to speak. Feeling as if his heart would burst out of his chest. He had to do this he had to. Eyes wide and fearful he looked at his blond partner. “Ray?”
“I won’t hurt you, Frase. And it’s only a kiss. Just a kiss.”
Fraser shook his head. “It’s not just a kiss. Never just a kiss from any of you.”
Ray moved over to lay his mouth over Fraser’s. Just a gentle touching of lips. “No, not just a kiss,” he agreed softly when he pulled away. “you don’t have to be afraid of being loved anymore, Frase.”
Ray touched Fraser’s lips with two fingers. “Shh, you don’t have to say anything.”
Fraser kissed Ray’s finger tenderly. “I’m sorry, Ray.”
“There’s nothing to be sorry for. You’ve been starved for love for so long and now that it’s at your fingertips, you don’t know what to do or what to say. I understand that, Frase. We all do.”
Fraser gentle caressed Ray’s hair. “Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“What-that I knew?”
Fraser nodded. “Yes.”
Ray shrugged. “I don’t know. Was afraid, I think. Afraid that I’d lose you completely if I asked for more.”
“But not now?”
“No, not now. Blair had a lot to do with that.” Ray smiled slightly. “I just followed his lead.”
They both turned to find Blair on top of Jim and they were kissing passionately. Jim’s finger’s tangled in Blair’s curly hair.
“Do you think we’ll ever be like them?” Fraser asked wistfully.
“Hot and heavy?”
“Yeah, I think so and if we play our cards right we can have them too.”
“Ray,” Fraser said shocked.
“What, don’t you want them? I know I do. And Blair really likes you.”
“I like him too,” Fraser said shyly.
“And Jim?”
“And Jim. He has the most beautiful blue eyes I’ve ever seen. They can be cold and fierce yet they can hold such warmth and gentleness. And an understanding of the world that I fear none of us will ever have.”
“Hey, you two over there you’re suppose to be kissing not whispering,” Blair told them smiling.
“Yeah, well not all of us are hornballs like you and Jim,” Ray replied returning the smile.
“Hey, who you calling a hornball?” Jim growled. Not in the least bit intimidated Ray reached over and kissed him. “Oh, if I get more of those you can call me whatever you like,” he replied, when they broke apart.
“Yeah, thought you’d see it my way,” Ray replied smugly.
“Hmm, okay. Let’s get up now. I’m hungry and we need to see if the turkey’s defrosted enough to start cooking,” Jim said, tugging at Blair.
“Does that mean you want me to do the cooking,” Blair asked, rising from the bed reluctantly.
“Just breakfast come on. I’m hungry.”
The day past quickly. The turkey going into the oven a little after twelve. All four men grateful that the electricity had not gone out as they watched the snow swirling furiously around the cabin.
“Burr, I’m glad we didn’t get caught in that,” Blair said, shivering.
“I hear that. Hey, did you finish the stuffing?” Jim asked, peeling carrots.
“Yeah. It’s in the refrigerator all ready to go into the oven.”
“Great. How’s dessert coming, Fraser?”
“Almost done, Jim. Plum pudding with rum sauce coming up.”
“You’re one talented Mountie there Fraser.”
Fraser smiled at him shyly. “All it takes is the proper preparation, Jim.”
Jim returned the smile before looking toward the blond detective sitting comfortable in front of the fire with Deif. “And you, Ray? What have you contributed to this meal?” He asked in annoyance.
“I’m keeping Deif from running off with the food.” Deif made an offended sound. “You don’t want him to disappear into the bedroom with the turkey do you?”
“Huh huh, you my blond friend are going to get to do the clean up for you evil, lazy ways. And then blaming an innocent wolf for it too. Shame. For shame,” Jim told him sternly.
Deif seemed to agree as he got off the couch and went to stand by Blair at the window. The curly-haired man looked down. “It’s okay, Deif. Don’t get hurt feelings. We all know you won’t run off with the turkey. You’re part of the family and you get a plate of everything we’re eating, too. You know that right?”
Deif barked, turning to give the blond detective on the couch an annoyed look before looking up at Blair with adoring eyes.
“It sure looks cold out there,” Blair said softly. Looking out into the snow-covered landscape. “I’m sorry you gotta go out there to use the restroom.”
“Don’t be, Blair. He’s a wolf,” Fraser told him from the kitchen. “Wolves are use to that.”
“A wolf he may be, but he’s a special wolf. He’s an ultra-cool, civilized wolf. Aren’t you, Deif?”
The white wolf’s only response was to rub his head lovingly against Blair’s leg. The curly-haired man went to his knees to stroke the Deif’s soft white fur.
“I’m going to miss you something fierce when you go back to Chicago, Deif,” Blair whispered. “I wish you could stay.”
In the two weeks that they’d know each other the white wolf and Blair had bonded the curly-haired man thought it might have to do with his spirit animal being a wolf. But it didn’t really matter all that matter was that Deif loved him and Blair returned it happily. Deif whined softly, nudging Blair with his nose.
The curly-haired man buried is face in the wolf’s fur. “But I know you can’t,” He said heartbrokenly.
“Can’t what?” Fraser asked. kneeling by the two of them. Wiping his hands on a kitchen towel.
Startled Blair looked up, blue eyes filled with tears. “Ben, you scared me.”
“I’m sorry, Blair. I never meant to scare you,” Fraser said contritely.
“No, no it’s not your fault. I was just lost in thought,” Blair told him, reaching out to stroke Fraser’s cheek. Smiling when the Mountie moved his face into it. It seemed he was slowly starting to defrost.
“About what, Blair?”
Blair met the waiting blue eyes. “Wishful thinking on my part, Ben. Just some wishful thinking.”
“Will you tell me?”
Blair looked over to where Jim watched. Seeing his Sentinel nod of encouragement “I…I just…” He couldn’t finish the sentence. First time in his life he was tongue-tied.
“What? What is it, Blair?”
Blair tangled his fingers in Deif’s soft fur. “We’ve know each other-what two weeks haven’t we, Ben?”
“I feel as if I’ve known Ray and you all my life. I…”
“What are you trying to say, Blair?” Fraser encouraged.
“I don’t want to lose you.”
“Why do you think you’ll lose us?” Fraser asked softly.
“You’ll have to go back soon. I’m kinda hoping that the snow never stops falling so that we can be together for alittle while longer.”
“That’s being a bit unreasonable don’t you think, Blair?” Blair made a small sound of pain. Earning Fraser a warning growl from Jim. “I mean that the snow will eventually stop, it has to. Blair look at me. What is it that you want?”
“Iwantustobetogether,” Blair whispered.
Blair nodded. “Yes. Jim, Ray, you and me.”
“Do you mean living together? All of us?”
The curly-haired man ran a finger over Fraser’s lower lip. “Is it to much to ask?”
“Will you think about it?”
“There’s nothing to really think about, Blair.”
Blair’s blue eyes filled with hurt. “Oh,” he said softly, looking away.
“Fraser,” Jim growled, moving closer as did Ray.
“It’s alright, Jim. I would never hurt, Blair. You must let me finish.”
“Alright just remember the warning.”
Fraser looked up at Jim before looking at Ray hesitantly and then turning to Blair. “I remember. Blair, never in my life have I met two people like Jim and you. Never. You are both so giving and loving. Not only to each other, but to whoever is lucky enough to be called your friend. You are offering Ray and I something I think neither of us ever thought to have, not even in our wildest dreams.”
“What are you saying, Ben?” Blair asked.
“I cannot speak for Ray, but as for Deif and I, whom I’m sure will agree, would be most pleased to move to Cascade and be with you and Jim.” The white wolf who’d been leaning against Blair’s leg sat up and woofed.
Fraser smiled. “Deif would be most happy to go to Cascade and he is overjoyed that his pack has grown by two.”
Suddenly four pairs of eyes turned to Ray who’d been quietly watching. “What?”
“We await your answer, Ray,” Fraser told him, rubbing his eyebrow nervously.
“Geez, of course I’m goin’. I’m not about to lose out on the best thing that’s ever happened in my life or actually our lives,” the blond told them in exasperation. Earning a brilliant smile from the Mountie.
“Oh, Ray.”
Ray cleared his throat. “Now don’t go getting all mushy now, Frase. Okay? I just don’t want to break up this new pack of Deif’s. I’m cool with it. Actually, I think it pure greatness,” he said smiling happily, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
“Alright, Ray,” Fraser replied softly. “then as soon as we can leave this cabin we will begin making arrangements. Right, Ray?”
“Yup. I’ll put in of a transfer and start packing up my apartment.”
“And I will turn in my resignation and gather my belongings from the Consulate.”
“But I thought you liked being a Mountie, Ben.” Blair said, worriedly.
“Yes, but I have found something infinitely more precious,” Fraser replied, pulling the curly-haired man into his arms.
“Ray and Fraser don’t have to be the one’s moving. It doesn’t even have to be Cascade,” Jim said, sitting on the floor next to Fraser and Blair. “we can always relocate to Chicago or even Canada.”
“Yeah, we could,” Blair agreed. “Jim, how long till dinner?” he asked from the warmth of Fraser’s arms.
“Another couple of hours.”
“Cool.” He got up from the floor pulling Fraser with him. “The floor’s cold. Let’s go over by the fire. Jim will you come, too? Ray?” He gazed at the three watching his expectantly. “If we’re going to live together there will be no secrets between us. There’s a story Jim and I need to tell you about Sentinels and Guides.”