Title: Mountain Man

Author: Angelee

Feedback Address: Angelee79912@yahoo.com

Summary: Blair finds something unexpected in the Cascade Mountains.

Acknowledgment: Disclaimer: Not mine.
First appeared in My Mongoose. If you get a chance have a look at the beautiful artwork by Ankaree
http://mymongoose.populli.net/majb/ang.htm. Pretty, huh? (o: Thank-you
Ankaree. Also many, many thanks to Carodee for Beta.

Mountain Man

“Damn it. I’ve got another rock in my shoe.” Blair cursed softly. “This is the last time I go hiking in sneakers.”

Blair looked around the beautiful mountains just outside of Cascade. Taking a deep cleansing breath.

It felt good to be free of the city grind. If only for alittle while. College could be rough. Having a full load of classes and not to mention having to tutor just to make ends met. It was tough, really tough.

Which was why Blair enjoyed these outings so much. No people, no classes, no daily grind. Just him and nature. And it was beautiful out here. It really was.

Blair’s blue eyes looked out over the valley. There was a hazy that covered it. Blurring it slightly, but did nothing to damage its serene beauty.

“Do I eat lunch now or hike alittle more?” He asked himself. Adjusting his worn backpack.

Suddenly something startled Blair and he looked around frightened. “What the hell?” Finding nothing he shrugged his slight shoulders.

“Hmm, must have been a bird.”

He decided he’d hike alittle ways more before stopping for lunch. Still he couldn’t get rid of the feeling that someone was watching him. It left him feeling vaguely uneasy.

He couldn’t see anything the times that he looked, but still the feeling of unease would not leave him. He was being to wonder if perhaps he should just go home? He was *that* spooked.

Carefully he looked around. Furrowing his brows puzzled. Maybe it was an animal. Maybe a wolf or something. Somehow that did nothing to alleviate his fear. He decided to call it quits and just go home. This hiking trip to the Cascade Mountains was not fun anymore.

He’d started following the trail back to his car when all of a sudden he was tackled from behind. Sending him barreling down the side of the mountain. Over brush, small pine trees and rocks that really hurt as he rolled over them.

Whoever had tackled him seemed to be trying to protect him from the worst of it as they rolled. Finally down at the bottom they stopped.

He lay there for along time stunned. Trying desperately to get his breath back. Before slowly opening his eyes.

On top of him was the most handsome man Blair had ever seen. Which might explain why Blair couldn’t breathe, the man was really heavy. Beautiful blue eyes stared down at him quietly. Seemingly not to want to hurt him. Just quietly staring down at him.

“Well, if you wanted to meet me you should have just said so. You didn’t have to literally bowl me over. If you had announced yourself I would even have shared my lunch with you. Do you like roast beef on rye?” Blair asked, trying for a response.

The man above him didn’t answer. He just watched him. “Have you been following me?” Blair asked softly.

Still no answer. “Well okay then. Do you wanna let me up, please.”

Blair started slightly when trembling hands reached out to him. But all they did was gently move his curly hair off his face. He held still as he could not wanting to antagonize the man incase he was a loon. Chances of that were good anyway as he’d jumped Blair and sent them both tumbling down the mountain.

“Yes, I followed you.” A husky voice told him hoarsely.

“Why?” Blair asked eyeing his curiously.

“I…I d…didn‘t w…want you to l…leave.”

“Why?” Blair asked again.

Those beautiful blue eyes looked out over the valley it almost seemed to Blair as if in embarrassment. His face tilted oddly away from him.

Suddenly the man turned to fully face him. Blair gasped in surprise. The man closed his eyes tightly as if expecting something horrendous to happen. Something painful and hurting. Or perhaps all three.

Before Blair could stop himself his hands came out. The man above him flinched, but held still. “What happened to your face?” He asked softly. Caressing the side of the man’s face gently, carefully. No condemnation or ridicule in his voice.

Stunned Blair watched as the man’s eyes filled with tears. He smiled slightly when the man sighed softly, moving into Blair’s gently touch.

“Don’t cry. Everything will be alright.” Blair told him softly. Pulling the man to him with his free hand.

The battered face buried itself into Blair’s neck. Before he could say anything else the man was crying harshly. Tears soaking his neck warmly.

“It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay. If you need to cry do it. I’m here. I won‘t hurt you.” Blair promised. Running his hands soothingly over the broad, muscular back.

After what felt like hours the painful sounding sobs abated slowly and finally stopped. All that remained was deep hitching breaths. That to Blair still sounded like they hurt.

“Do you feel better?” Blair asked gently.


“What’s your name?”

“J…Jim E…Ellison.”

“Have you been following me Jim Ellison?” Blair asked. Wiping the tears away. Running a gentle finger over the mass of scars.

“Y…yes.” Jim replied. Swallowing hard at the gently touch. Something he had not felt in a long time. So very long.


“You were going back to Cascade.”


“I…” Jim couldn’t answer. Didn’t have an answer the beautiful, curly-haired man would understand or even accept. How was he suppose to tell him he’d been so lonely living on the mountain for the last three years. No companionship. No touch. No love. That he ached deep within his soul with it’s lack. When late at night he’d cry himself to sleep with the need of just having someone to hold him. Just hold him. Nothing more. Yet there was no one.

When he’d spotted the curly-haired man as he check the perimeter of his land. Something in him had snapped as he watched Blair. Yes, he knew his name. For the curly-haired man talked to himself as he hiked through the Cascade mountains.

Watching Blair had unleashed a hunger that almost brought him to his knees. So he followed. For many miles he followed. Afraid to speak. Afraid to allow Blair to know he was there. Afraid of what Blair would do when he saw his face.

A face that at one time had draw many a female and males to him. Now it sent them scurrying away in horror. A helicopter crash in Peru had sent a flashfire through the cargo bay killing instantly those that had not died when it’d gone down. And deeply scarring the right side of his face before he’d been able to fight his way free.

Found half dead by the Chopec they’d nursed him back to health, but could do nothing about the scars that now marred the right side of his face, hands and chest.

When he’d finally been found by his fellow Army Rangers a year had passed. He’d done the job they’d been sent out to do. Protecting the pass and the Chopec people.

The Chopec had accepted his deformity, but the people at the army base and finally the citizens of Cascade had not been so kind-hearted or understanding. After to many people stared at him in horror and at each new recoiling when they saw his damaged face he could take no more. Sadly and heart-broken he left Cascade.

He’d found no haven anywhere. Even his father and brother had recoiled at his deformity. Just as everyone else had. What could he expect from them anyway? Understanding? Love?

He’d taken to the hills outside of Cascade. Where he’d bought land with his severance pay from the Army Rangers.

That had been three years. Three years of soul-deep loneliness. Three years where he would have killed for a kind word or a gentle touch.

Blair had done both in a span of few minutes, and it had been done after Jim had almost gotten them both killed by trying to stopping Blair from leaving.

The curly-haired man was so beautiful. Dark auburn curls shining brightly in the sun. His slight frame encased in tight jeans. A t-shirt covered by a black and white checkered flannel shirt.

What drew Jim to Blair like a bee to a brightly colored flower was Blair’s face. Skin pale and flawless flushed lightly from his hike and the most beautiful blue eyes he’s ever seen.

Blair looked untouched to his worn and scarred form. He couldn’t let Blair leave. He couldn’t. He just couldn’t.

So now they lay at the bottom of the hill he’d unwittingly tossed them down. He lay on top Blair’s unresisting body. Looking into those innocent, trusting eyes. Feeling guilty, really, really guilty.

Blair’s beautiful face was marred by tiny cuts and scrapes. And there were pieces of twigs and pine needles tangled in Blair’s curly hair.

“I’m sorry.” Jim told Blair softly. Closing his eyes as another wave of tears threatened to break free.

A finger gently caressed the damaged side of his face. “It’s alright. No real harm done. But could you get off me, please. There’s a rock digging very painfully into my back.”

Jim sighed. He just couldn’t do anything right. “I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you.” He replied rising off of Blair.

Blair’s hand fell away. Feeling oddly lost at losing Jim’s large, warm bulk. “Don’t be. It’s okay. Hey, you wanna share my lunch? It’s roast beef on rye and there’s even some pickles.”

“After I almost get you killed sending you down the mountain you want to share your lunch with me?” Jim asked in astonishment.

“Yeah, well you didn’t mean to send me-well us actually hurling down the mountainside at what felt like a hundred miles an hour. It would have been easier if you’d just come up and said-Hello.”

Blair watched the pale, scarred face look away guilty. “ Hey, no more of that. There’s nothing for you to feel guilty about. Hey-how about we start over? What do you say?”

Jim smiled shyly at Blair. “O…okay. Hi. I…I’m J…Jim E…Ellison. W…hat’s y…our n…name?”

Blair smiled brilliantly at him. “My name is Blair Sandburg. Nice to meet you Jim Ellison.” He replied offering his hand.

Jim took it. Extremely self-conscious about the scar covering his hand. If Blair noticed he gave no sign.

“Would you like to share me lunch, Jim. I’ve got plenty.”

“Y…yes, p…please.”

I hope you don’t mind sharing water. I only brought one bottle.” Blair said smiling at Jim again. “I wasn’t expecting company.”

“I…I’ve g…got w…water b…back a…at t…the c…cabin. T…tea e…even. I…if y…you l…like.” Jim stuttered so hopefully it broke Blair’s heart.

“Tea sounds wonderful. Lead the way.”

“S…so what are you doing way out here, Blair?” Jim asked as he lead the way to his cabin.

“Oh, you know, man. Getting away from it all. I’ve got two weeks for spring break and I figured I use some of it commuting with nature.” Blair chuckled. “Never though I’d get run over by my own mountain man.”

The talked companionable as Jim lead Blair toward his cabin. Jim telling him about how he came to be scarred. Watching Blair carefully for any signings of disgust or ridicule. There were none. Blair’s bright blue eyes held only compassion.

He asked why Jim hadn’t been to a plastic surgeon? Listening carefully when Jim explained to him about the way he’d been treated back in Cascade. And how he’s lost all trust in his fellow man.

Blair had asked quietly what would have been his plans if things had been different? Jim had told him he would have liked to have been a cop. Blair nodding his curly head in understanding. Telling him he would have been a great cop.

Jim found himself opening up to this curly-haired man as if he’d known him his whole life. Enjoying his companionship and bright laughter. As Blair in turn told Jim all about his life. College, tutoring, his warehouse. The music he listened to. All of it. Sharing just about every aspect of his life with Jim. The two miles to Jim’s cabin had gone quickly.

“H…here w…we a…are.” Jim told him. Eyeing his two story cabin.

“Nice.” Blair told him smiling. As they went in.

“I…it’s h…home.” Jim replied. Wishing desperately to be rid of the stutter that had plagued him since the helicopter crash. “I have all the modern conveniences. And so I don’t have to go into Cascade I have food brought in once a week.”

“Very nice. Could use a little more furniture, though. A nice throw rug here and there. Couple of things on the walls.”

Jim looked around. It probably could, but considering he was by himself-Why? “I guess.” The stuttering was starting to ease up. For which he was extremely grateful.

“I’d really like your home.” Blair told him. “Now how about the tea you promised me? I’m thirsty and I’m really hungry.”

They shared a companionable lunch. The whole time Jim listened to Blair, hearing the words the younger man was telling him, but more allowing the words to simply heal the deep ache of loneliness.

Luxuriating in the happy, cheerful tones of Blair’s voice. He found himself almost lured to sleep by the calming effects it had on him.

“Jim, am I putting you to sleep?”

Startled Jim jumped. “N…no.” He replied guiltily.

“Hmm, well I need to get going anyway. Where’s your trashcan so I can throw away the wrappers from lunch.”

“NO!” Jim yelled. “No.” He said calmer at the look Blair was giving him. “Don’t go. Not yet. It’s still early. Stay.” He hated that he sounded so needy. He could feel his eyes being to fill with tears-again. Shit. He turned away so Blair wouldn’t notice.

He felt arms embrace him from behind. “Hey, it’s okay. I understand.”

“Understand what?”

Jim felt Blair lay his head against his back. “That you’re lonely.”

“Do you understand why I’m lonely? That people see me coming and run the other way.” Jim told him bitterly.

“It’s their loss, Jim.” Blair replied. Tightening his hold on the older man.

“How can you say that? Do you know how long it’s been since anyone spoke to me? How long it’s been since someone held me? Much less made love to me?”

Blair began a gentle rocking motion. “I’m talking to you. I’m holding you. The last part could happen anytime now.”

“I don’t need a pity fuck.” Jim told him harshly, but refused to give up the warmth he was getting from Blair’s touch. He might be scarred, but he wasn’t stupid.

“Fucking you might get, but no way in hell is it pitying.”

“Ha.” Jim told him disbelievingly.

“I’m serious.”

“Are you that easy?”

“Hmm, yeah-I am.” Blair told him. Rubbing his face against Jim’s broad shoulders.


“Hmm, not really. I just wanted see how you’d react to that. Would it make it easier if I was easily.”

“Maybe. I don’t want to use you. No matter how needy I am or sound.” Jim told him. Pulling Blair around to face him. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t.” Blair told him confidently. “Actually you want the truth?”

“Yeah, okay.”

Blair looked up into Jim’s blue eyes. “I haven’t had a good fuck in quite some time. I could really use one just about now.” He told him with a huge smile.

Jim scoffed. “You’re kidding right?”


“You wanna fuck a scarred freak like me? You’ve only just met me as well.”

Blair frowned at him. “Don’t say that. You’re not scarred that bad and you’re not a freak. Don’t you dare say you are.”

Jim smiled lopsidedly at Blair. “Now your going to protect me from me?”

“You betcha. From anyone else who might want to hurt you, too.”

Jim chuckled softly. “You are a strange man Blair Sandburg.” He told him. Lightly meeting the sensual lips inches from his own.

“Hmm, you think.” Blair told him. Deepening the kiss.

Jim moaned softly. God-Blair tasted good. He tangled his fingers in soft curls he pulled Blair closer. Their tongues gentle caressed each other for the longest time before Jim pulled away slowly, reluctantly.

“I don’t want to hurt you, Blair. But it’s been along time.”

“You won’t hurt me?”

Jim buried his face in soft curl’s. “How can you be so sure?”

“I just can.”

“We need to take this slowly, Blair. I don’t want to jump you. If I do I’m not sure I’ll be able to control myself.”

Blair ran his hands over Jim’s very broad chest. “I don’t mind.”

“You might not, but I do.”

Blair sighed sadly. “You’re being to cautious.”

Jim kissed Blair’s broad forehead. “And you’re being way to easy. For all you know I could be a serial killer hiding bodies out in the forest.” He cupped Blair’s face gently looking deep into the wide beautiful blue eyes. “Tell me you’re not always this easy.”

Blair smiled up at him. “I can assure you that I am not for a fact always this easy. Only with big, beautiful, blue-eyed mountain men who toss me off the sides of mountains.”

Jim pulled Blair to him, holding tight. “Meet many do you.”

“Hmm, that’s nice. Nope, as far as I can recollect just one.” Blair replied looking up a Jim. “Can I have another kiss?” He asked hopefully.

“No.” Jim told him sternly.

“Why not?” Blair asked disappointment.

“Because we’re going to take this easy, remember. How about I take you to see the hot springs I have on my land?”

Blair rubbed his face against Jim chest. “Rather have a kiss. But alright.”

Jim took Blair half a mile or so from the cabin. Leading him to a spot where the water bubbled up cheerfully from the ground.

“This is nice. And it’s on your land?”


“Can I go swimming?”

Jim smiled at Blair. “If you like.”

Blair wiggled his eyebrows. “Skinny dipping?”

Jim chuckled softly. “You’re pushing it there, Chief.”

Blair bumped Jim sightly with his hip. “Come on- live a little. I promise if you start to drown I’ll make sure to give you mouth to mouth.”

“I bet you would.”

“Oh yeah.” Blair told him cheerfully.

“Are you always so forward?”

“Yup. And you better quit insulting me or you won’t be getting any.”

“Any what?”


Jim watched as Blair began taking off his clothes. Flinging them around without a care as to where they landed. He moaned softly in need when a beautifully compact body was revealed.

Blair took off for the spring with a yell of pure unadulterated pleasure. “Jim come in. The water’s fine.”

“I don’t think I’m ready to go there with you yet, chief.”

Blair smiled at him. “Come on. I don’t bite. And if I did I‘d make sure you enjoyed it.”

Jim slowly took off his clothes. Smiling when Blair’s eyes widened. “Like what you see, Chief?”

Blair whistled appreciatively. “Yup. Very nice.”

Jim joined Blair in the water. “Despite the scars.”

“I wish you’d quit doing that. You’re beautiful. And before the night is over I intend to show exactly how beautiful you really are.” Blair said pulling Jim toward him.

Jim buried his face in Blair’s curly head. “Oh, yeah?”


Jim yelped in surprise when Blair suddenly cupped his buttocks in strong hands. “Chief.” He gasped shocked.

“What’s the matter there big boy? Can’t handle it?”

“I’ll give you big boy.” Jim warned. And the race was on as he chased the curly-haired man all over the hot springs. Smiling at Blair’s delighted giggles.

They played happily for along time. Blair getting closing enough to rub his body sensually against Jim’s or running his hand over Jim’s back or chest before darting off.

Jim giving chase. He hadn’t had this much fun in what felt forever. Laughing breathlessly he allowed Blair to push him back against the soft grass on the edge of the hot springs.

“I thought I had until tonight.”

Blair spread Jim’s legs. “Changes my mind. I don’t want to waste another minute.” He told him going between them. “ Anyway I feel as if I’ve known you forever.”

Jim thought to himself he really should protest this. Get Blair to stop. But when the curly-haired man took his mouth in a deep kiss. He decided against it. It felt to good.

He moaned softly when Blair laid gentle butterfly kisses all over the scarred side of his face. Running a soft moist tongue over the damaged flesh.

No one had ever done this before. Blair was worshiping him. There was no other word for it. He was being worshipped.

It felt so good. So damn good. After everything he’d been through to have some one love him the way Blair was.

Jim arched up as a talented mouth fed at his right nipple. Sucking at it hungrily before going to the other.

He stared out into the late afternoon sky. Not really seeing anything and not really caring as Blair gave him love.

Jim shuddered violently when Blair’s hands joined in. Touching him, caressing him in places that had not felt the touch of another in so long. In so damn long.

His eyes closed giving himself over into the gentle feeling Blair was creating. Allowing the feeling to build. Slowly, ever so slowly.

Blair was being so careful with him. So loving. Jim tangled his fingers in wet curls shuddering as orgasm over took him.

He opened his eyes to see Blair smiling down at him. “You my friend taste good.”

“Really?” Jim asked kissing Blair lightly.

“Oh, yeah. Wanna do it again?”

Jim shook his head in disbelieve. “You’re something else my friend.”

“Yup. Again?”

Jim smiled goofily at Blair. “Oh, yeah.”

Later, much, much later Jim stood waiting for Blair to join him on his second story balcony. Enjoying the warm summer air. Enjoying the warm afterglow of an afternoon spent making love.

Blair was everything he could hope for. Everything he’d been looking for and missing. He was now trying to figure out a way to ask the curly-haired man to stay with him. If not forever for at least a little while. When he felt a warm hand on his back.

“Hey, Jim.”

“Hey, Blair.”

“Know what?”

Jim pulled the other man into his arms. “No. What?”

Blair laid his head against Jim’s chest. “I think you broke me.”

Jim chuckled. “Yeah?”

“Hmm. I’m going to be sore for awhile.” He looked up to meet Jim’s eyes. “Hmm, but what a good sort of sore.”

Jim tangled his finger into Blair’s curly hair. “I didn’t hurt anything did I?”

“Na. I’m fine. Your just a very big boy and enthusiastic.” Blair sighed happily. “Very, very enthusiastic.”

“What do you expect I haven’t made love in a long time. I’ve got a lot of making up to do.” Jim told Blair. Kissing his forehead.

“Speaking of that we need to talk.”

Jim sighed. “Yeah, I know.”

“You first.”

Jim tightened his arms around Blair. “No. You first.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. Go ahead.”

“Okay. Maybe we better sit down for this. Or not.” He added when Jim refused to let him go. “Okay. Jim, I want to ask you something and I want an honest answer.”


“Do you like it here on your mountain?”

“It’s okay. Kinda lonely.”

“I can’t stay here. You do realise that, right?” Blair felt the tremor that shook the big body in his arms. “I want to ask you something.” He pulled away sightly to look into the eyes blue eyes filling with tears. “Don’t cry. Please don’t cry. I can’t stand that. I can’t stay on your mountain with you, Jim. But I want to ask you if you’ll go back with me to Cascade?”

Jim shuddered. “I can’t.”

“You can. You’re not alone anymore. I’ll be with you. Every step you take I’ll be right along side you. Even mean comment aimed your way will be met by my fist. It’s time for you to follow your dreams, Jim. Come with me off this mountain. Please, Jim.” Blair begged.

“Blair, I…”

Blair peppered Jim’s face with kisses. Warm and coaxing. “Please, Jim. Please. And besides my mom knows lots of people. And she introduced me to one. A Dr. Mackie. He’s a world renowned plastic surgeon. If you like we can talk to him together. If you like. You don’t have to if you don’t want. What ever makes you happy. I just want you to be happy. What ever makes you happy. But you need to come off the mountain. Please, Jim. Please.”

Jim chuckled softly. “Stop. Stop. Your making me dizzy. And what if staying on my mountain makes me happy?”

“I..ah.” Blair clearly wasn’t expecting that

“Would you give up everything to be with me? Here on my mountain?”

“I..ah. Yes. I would.” Blair told him resolutely.

Jim pulled Blair to him tightly. “Oh, Blair. Thank-you, love. But I can’t asked that of you.”

“What are we going to do then?” Blair asked him quietly.

“I’ll go with you. You’re right. It’s time for me to come off the mountain and follow my dreams. And with your help I know we‘ll make it work.”

Blair let out a whoop of joy. “Yes. Yes.” He said. Dancing happily around Jim.

Jim grabbed Blair. “Stop right there, my little Indian. I didn’t say I’d go right now.”

“When, Jim? When?”

“I can be ready in a day or so. Can you stay with me while I get everything ready?”

“Yeah. Oh yeah. Anything you need. I’m here for you, man.” Blair told him.

“Good. So-Blair?”

“Yes, Jim.”

Jim smiled down at the curly-haired man looking up at him. “How sore are you?”


“Well, I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to make love again?”

Blair’s puzzled look was replaced by the most brilliant smile he’d ever seen. Jim’s laughter echoed thru the Cascade mountains as Blair launched himself at Jim, tumbling them both to the ground.