Title: The Fall of Blair Jacob Sandburg

Author: Angelee

Pairing: Jim/Blair (sort of) (o:

Summary: Alternate Universe. Blair and Rafe meet a porn star testing a friendship.

Note: First appeared in My Mongoose. Check out the beautiful artwork by Patt Rose if you get a chance. http://mymongoose.populli.net/mmcts/vgang.htm I truly hope the story does her art justice. To my sister Anna who keeps me sane. To Caro Dee for beta and guidance above and beyond. Thank-you. All remaining errors are mine.

The Fall of Blair Jacob Sandburg

“Are you sure about this, Blair?” Rafe asked him skeptically.

Blair turned wide blue eyes toward him. “Of course I am. You’re just jealous ‘cause you didn’t think of it first.”

Rafe rolled his dark brown eyes. “Oh yeah, right. A paper on the inner thoughts of a porn star for psych class? Who’d have thunk it, much less let you get away with it?”

Blair gave him a happy grin. “Me. And it’s not my fault Professor Myers is a perv. Did we remember his autograph book?”

Rafe showed him the book before returning it to the safety of his pocket. “Woo-hoo. I am suitably impressed.”

Blair moved his curly hair away from his face showing clearly what a beauty he was. Wide expressive blue eyes, clear unblemished skin. But what truly made Blair Jacob Sandburg stand out was his happy and loving personality. Rafe had yet to see his friend in a truly bad mood. Blair didn’t walk anywhere he-bounced and he bounced happily.

“You should be. Especially since it’s really hard getting into these type of things and the director let me… Blair Jacob Sandburg in.”

“How did you manage that anyway?” Rafe asked as they patiently waited to be let into the warehouse where the filming was being done.

“My boyish charms.”

“Yeah, I bet. Considering we’re going onto the set where they film gay porn.”

“Oh, man that’s just cold.”

Rafe gently nudged his friend. “Yeah, huh?”

Blair nudged back. “Do you have designs on my handsome yet boyish looks there, good buddy?”

“Hmm… yeah, but I was thinking of redesigning. Maybe a two by four across that really wide forehead of yours.”

Blair ran a hand across his forehead. “Hey, it’s not that wide. Besides have you heard what they say about guys with wide forehead’s?” Blair asked wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at his friend.

“No, what?”

Blair was saved from answering as a tall, really rotund man came toward them. “Hey, Mr. Collins. It’s really nice of you to let me talk to your stars.” Blair said offering his hand.

Collins shook it enthusiastically. “Nothing I wouldn’t do for the son of Naomi Sandburg. How is she by the way?”

“Good. Last I heard she was in India.” Rafe poked him in the side. “Oops, sorry. Mr. Collins this is Brian Rafe, my best friend.”

Collins shook Rafe’s hand looking at him speculatively. “Very nice. Ever thought of a job in the adult entertainment industry? The pay is good.”

Rafe cleared his throat uncomfortably. “Huh, no. Not really.” he replied pulling his hand free from the hard grip. He went to stand behind Blair sure his friend would protect his endangered virtue.

“You sexy thing you.” Blair snickered.

“Shut up, Blair. I hate you.”

“But why? This is blackmail material for years to come. Something to tell your grandkids about. The time their grandpappy got offered a job as a porn star.” Blair replied continuing to snicker.

“You too, Blair.”

Blair turned wide startled eyes toward Collins. “Me too, what?”

“You’d make a fortune in this business. But, alas your mom would kill me if I made you a porn star.”

“Really? Me?”

“Hell, yeah. With those wide blue eyes and all that curly hair this industry would eat you up. I’m pretty sure there’s a pun in there somewhere.” He said chuckling.

“Cool. I could be a star.” He told an unimpressed Rafe.

“Big deal. He told me first. And besides there’s your mommy, sissyboy.”

“Yeah, but he said I was prettier than you. And don’t call me sissyboy.”

“He did not.”

“You told me I was prettier than Rafe, huh, Mr. Collins?” Blair lost his train of thought as he watched a tall man in a robe walk in. “Wow, who’s that?”

“That’s Jim Ellison one of my main stars. Not much in the upstairs department, but a hell of a body.”

All three watched as the man with the most startling blue eyes they’d ever seen took off his robe. Both Rafe and Blair gasped. *Hell of a body* was an understatement. Jim Ellison’s body was gorgeous, pure muscle and sharp angles.

“Whew, if that body were offered to me I’d turn gay.” Blair whispered.

“Yeah, me too. Even with the lack of hair.” Rafe whispered back.

Unconcerned with his nudity or the rather impressive erection he sported Jim walked over to where the three men stood dropping his robe to the floor. “Which one of these two do you want me to fuck?” He asked softly.

Before Blair realized what he was doing his hand went up.

“Blair.” Rafe hissed at him. The hand went down-oh-so-reluctantly.

Collins chuckled. “I think Blair wants you, Jim. But, if I let you have him his mom would de-ball me.”

Jim smiled for the first time causing both Blair and Rafe to gasp at the sheer beauty of it. “Momma’s boy, huh?”

“Man-oh-man, man-oh-man.” Blair began whispering like some sort of mantra. He met Jim’s beautiful blue eyes. “Smile at me like that one more time and I swear I’m gonna jump you. Mom’s displeasure or not, I’m gonna jump you.”

“Blair, I thought you were straight.” Rafe told him shocked.

Blair continued to look up at Jim in utter fascination. “Hmm, not any more. I have seen the light and its name is Jim.”

Jim chuckled caressing the side of Blair’s face with a finger. The fascination was mutual as Jim’s usually icy, cold blue eyes took on a warmth Collins had never seen before.

Smiling he told Jim. “Blair here needs to ask you some questions for a paper he’s doing for school. Will you help?” Jim had taken a real shine to Blair. Collins had never seen Jim take such an instant liking to anyone in the whole five years he’d known him. This was going to be interesting to watch. Very, very interesting.

“Sure, I’m all for expanding young minds.” Jim replied taking a lock of Blair’s hair and twirling it around his finger. He eyed Blair’s mouth almost hungrily.

“Why does that sound dirty coming from you?” Blair asked gently pulling his hair free.

“Hmm, wishful thinking, maybe.” Jim replied pouting at having the soft hair removed from his hand, but giving way gracefully anyway.

Rafe was eyeing the two uneasily. He didn’t like what he was seeing one little bit. “Come on, Blair get on with it so we can get out of here.”

Blair looked away from the tall, handsome man reluctantly. “Okay,” he said clearing his throat. “You’re right. Is there some place we can go and talk?’’

Jim looked around the set. “Hmm, let’s see. There’s a table with some chairs over there. How’s that?”

“Cool. Hey Rafe, wanna sit in?”

Rafe rolled his eyes. “Oh, yeah. The highlight of my life, talking to a porn star. A GAY porn star.”

Collins smiled at him. “I think there might be something more interesting for you to watch next door. I think they’re starting to film a threesome-all girls.”

“Now that’s more like it.” Rafe said happily. “Lead on. Are you going to be okay, Blair?”

“I’ll be fine, Rafe. Don’t worry. I’m a big boy.”

“Okay, if you’re sure.” Rafe replied eyeing Jim warningly. Jim returned the look innocently.

“I’ll be fine. Go on.” Blair told him affectionately. “Hey, don’t forget to get autographs for the Professor.

Chuckling Blair turned to Jim. “Shall we get started then?” Jim nodded giving him another of his breathtaking smiles.

Blair gulped loudly. “You’ve gotta stop smiling at me like that.”

The smile faltered. For some reason Blair had hurt Jim’s feelings. “No, no I like your smiles, really I do. It’s just that you’re a very sexy man and I’m having a hard time concentrating…what with you being naked and then smiling at me at the same time. It’s a little too much.”

“Do you want me to put some clothes on?”

“If we’re going to get any work done, yes please.”

Jim retrieved his robe from the floor. “Better?” He asked.

Blair smiled at him. “Not really, but at least now I can think.”

Once comfortable Blair took out his little notebook. “So first question. How did you first get involved in the adult film industry?”

“When I got out of the army. Couldn’t find work. I was complaining about it in a bar one day and this guy came up to me and asked if I’d ever thought about a job in porn. That I had the body for it.”

“What did you tell him?”

“I was down to my last ten bucks and about to get kicked out of my apartment. I said ‘hell yeah.’ Didn’t know at the time it was gay porn, though.”

“Did that bother you?”

“Naw, I’m bi. Do you know you’re really cute?”

“Hmm, thank you,” Blair replied absently scribbling furiously. “So how many films have you done?”

“Don’t remember for sure-about twenty I think. I really like your pretty blue eyes.”

“That’s nice. What do you think about when you’re being filmed having sex?”

“Hmm, not much. I try not to think, mostly concentrate on getting off. I could easily do you.”

“Really? Cool. So have you had any trouble keeping an erection when you’re filming?”

“Sometimes. I won’t have any trouble with you though.”

“That’s good. So what does your family think about you being in porn?”

Jim moved closer to Blair. “Don’t talk to them much. Have you ever been with a man?”

Blair looked up from his writing. “That’s kind of a personal question don’t you think?”

Jim shrugged gathering a lock of Blair’s hair sniffing it curiously. “You’re asking me a lot of personal questions.”

Blair sighed. “Your right. No, I’ve never been with a man.”

Jim inordinately pleased bit back a smile. “Virgin?”

Blair frowned at him. “Yeah, to that kind of sex.”

Jim moved even closer. “Wanna find out what it’s like? I like virgin’s especially curly- haired, blued-eyed ones. And I’ll be real, real gentle.”

Blair moved away slightly. “Hmm, no thank you. It was nice of you to ask, though.”

“Don’t you like me, Blair?” Jim asked softly, seductively.

“Yeah, I do. But I barely know you. I do find you very, very...” Blair sighed heavily. “very attractive but I don’t know you. I need to get to know you first. Sometimes physical attraction isn’t enough.”

Jim nuzzled the side of Blair’s neck. “It can be.”

Blair swallowed heavily. Warm, moist lips. “Oh, God. I’m sure.” That felt, really, really good.

Collins came back just as Jim had moved his chair closer to Blair’s. He quietly motioned to the watching film crew to start filming. He placed a finger on his mouth urging them to silence. They didn’t want to spook Blair. This was going to be hot.

Jim began unbuttoning Blair’s black and white flannel shirt, frowning in annoyance when he found a t-shirt underneath. He began rubbing his palm over the cotton covered flesh anyway. It was better than nothing.

“So lover, what’s your full name?”

“B-B-Blair J-Jacob S-Sandburg.” Blair stuttered heavily.

Jim moved closer still his hand going lower. “So Blair Jacob Sandburg do you think a guy like you could fall for a guy like me?” he whispered into a nicely shaped ear, earning a shiver from Blair when he added a warm tongue.

“Oh, yes.”

“That’s good cause I really, really like you.”

“I like you too, Jim.” Blair gasped when a firm, knowing hand gently rubbed his jean- covered groin. His body liked the touch, his legs spreading almost on their own to allow it. Wanting more, much, much more.

Jim suddenly got up and moved away from Blair earning a moan of lost from the curly haired man. Blue eyes, lost and heavily dilated followed him.


“Come on baby, show me what you got. Be a porn star just for me.”


“Come on, baby. Come on.” Jim urged seductively. Weaving a web the innocent, young Blair was unable to fight free of. “Come on, baby.” Jim told him, his hand going to the belt of his robe. “Come on.” The robe fell to the floor once again. “Just like me, just like me.”

Blair gasped. “Oh god, Jim.” Blair moaned as Jim’s body stood revealed before him once more. Never in his whole life had he ever seen anything so beautiful.

“Come on, baby. Show me what you’ve got.”

Blair rose as if hypnotized, his hands pulling off the flannel shirt flinging it away. The same happened to the t-shirt.

Appreciative eyes watched as a well-formed, hairy chest was revealed. Jim bit his lower lip hard. “Oh, yeah, baby. That’s it, that’s it. Show me what you’ve got. Pretty baby, so pretty.” He purred.

Blair’s hands went lower to the belt of his jeans and hesitated. “No, baby. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop. Show me, show me.”

Blair undid the belt. “Slowly, baby, slowly.” He did as he was asked. The only sound in the room was of a zipper slowly, ever so slowly lowering. Free of it’s restraints the jeans fell to show skin. Lots and lots of beautiful white, flawless skin. Blair wore no underwear.

“Oh, yeah, baby. You’re beautiful, so beautiful. So very sexy. Pretty baby, my pretty, sexy baby.” Jim whispered to him. “Come here. Come to me, baby.” Blair began walking slowly, careful toward Jim.


The shout startling the whole room, waking Blair slightly from the seduction Jim had so very carefully been weaving.

Blair pulled up his jeans. “Nothing, Rafe.” He said slightly dazed. “Nothing.” He repeated blinking his blue eyes wildly as if clearing away a haze.

Jim moved quickly toward Blair. “Do you want a kiss?” Blair could still be his.

“Oh, yeah.” Blair replied, still very much in Jim’s thrall.

“Blair!” Rafe exclaimed in shock.

“What?” Blair hissed.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Well, I think I’m going to kiss Jim, Rafe.”

“Jim’s a guy.” Rafe told him outraged.

“Oh, yeah…don’t I know it.” Blair replied reverently.


He sighed moving away from Jim reluctantly. “All right, already. I really hate you sometimes, Rafe.” Blair looked up at Jim. “He’s right. You’re a guy and I’m only into girls.”

“Oh yeah, loverboy, pull the other one.” Jim told him pulling Blair to him nuzzling the side of his neck.

“Oh God, oh God that feels good.” Blair said bouncing anxiously. “Stop.” he pleaded. Added to the nuzzling was a warm, wet tongue. Oh, God, he really liked that tongue. “Okay, never mind. Don’t stop. Right there. Oh, that feels really good,” he said angling his head for more.

Blair’s hands were clinching and releasing unsure what to do. Push Jim away or merge with him. Merge-oh, God he wanted to merge. Merge, merge, and then merge some more.

Jim pulled away to cup his face. “Okay, loverboy you’re going to have to decide what you want.”

“You, I want you.”


“Shut up, Rafe.”

“I’m gonna tell your mom.”

Blair moved closer to Jim hesitantly wrapping his arms around a really broad back. “Go ahead and tell her. By the time she finds out I’ll have had Jim and him me. Besides what is she gonna do? Send me to bed without any supper. Oooh, I’m scared.” Blair laid his head against a warm chest with a happy sigh.

Jim’s hands gently stroked Blair’s back. Suddenly cupping his butt pulling him closer. “Whoa.” Blair said startled.

“What’s the matter, baby? Did I scare you?” Jim chuckled.

“A…ah, no. Not exactly. It’s just that you’re really big. Seeing and actually feeling are two completely different things.”

“Is that going to be a problem for you?”

“Hmm, no. In no way, shape or form.” Blair replied moving sensually against the very naked, very aroused body of his porn star.

“Come on, Blair let’s go.” Rafe told him tugging on Blair’s arm.

“No. Go away, Rafe.”

“Come on, Blair. LET’S GO.” Rafe pulled harder. “Are you willing to give up everything for a porn star? Someone who’s been around the block, actually several block more than once. Maybe even more than twice. Couple of dozen times, even. You don’t even know if he’s clean. He could give you some kind of disease.”

“Hey, I’m clean.” Jim said protested angrily. He was about to swat himself a pesky little fly in a minute. He gave Rafe his stoniest look.

Rafe snorted. “Yeah, and all we’ve got is your word.” he replied not at all impressed or intimated.

“And mine.” Collins piped in. “I have it on record.”

“Like you think that matters. I’m not going to let you corrupt my best friend in the whole world. Come on, Blair…let’s go.”

“I don’t want to. Jim feels good.” Blair whined, yet reluctantly allowed Rafe to pull him away slightly.

“Doesn’t matter. He’s a porn star.”

“Hey, porn stars have feelings, too.” Jim protested trying to hold on to his curly-headed prize.

“Well have them for someone else, not for Blair.” Rafe replied tugging harder. “Besides you only want him for his big blue eyes, curly hair and perky, little butt.”

“You think I have a perky little butt?” Blair teased. “ Rafe, I never knew.”

Rafe rolled his eyes. “Give me a break, would you? Besides they were on display for the whole world to see a minute ago. I’m trying to save your virtue here. And keep you from falling into a life of sin.”

Blair looked at Jim longingly. “But, I wanna try a life of sin.”

“No you don’t. Besides there’s Megan. She’d miss you.”

“Megan who?” Blair asked distractly.

Jim followed Rafe’s frantic tuggings offering his lips to the curly-haired man. Their mouths met briefly before Rafe tugged Blair away violently.

“Damn you, Rafe…let Blair go.” Jim hissed angrily.

“No. He’s coming with me. He’s going to lead a normal life.”

Blair pulled away from Rafe reaching for Jim. “I don’t want normal. I want Jim.”

“Jim’s a porn star for God sakes.”

“So?” Blair asked rather reasonably he thought.

Rafe stopped tugging to give him a wide-eyed look of disbelief. “You’re kidding right?”


“You don’t know where his body’s been.”

Blair used the respite to pull away from Rafe. Jim gathered him close with a happy rumble.

“I do have a general idea, Rafe. He’s a gay porn star. I’m not that innocent.” Blair replied, burying his face in Jim’s chest.

“Blair, if you don’t come with me right now I swear our friendship is over.” Rafe threatened desperately.

Blair turned to look at him from the comfort of Jim’s chest. “B…but we’ve been friends since second grade. We’ve done everything together.” He said stunned.


“Making me choose is downright mean.”

“And your point is?”

“I either chose Jim or a friendship that’s some twenty years old?”

“Yes, Blair.” Rafe told him quietly.

“Your mean, Rafe. Really, really mean.” Blair told him pulling away from Jim slowly.

“Blair.” Jim called softly.

“I’m sorry, Jim. But Rafe’s right. I don’t really know you and Rafe’s been my friend a long time.”

Hurt blue eyes looked at him. “I can be your friend too. More than a friend even.”

Blair allowed Rafe to pull him toward the exist. “I’m sorry, Jim.”

“Don’t be sorry. Come back, just come back.” Jim said opening his arms in offering. Blue eyes filled with hurt and loss.

Blair sighed sadly. “I can’t.”

“But why?”

“I can’t. I just can’t.” Blair replied turning away. He made it as far as the exit when a soft sound of loss echoed through the warehouse. He turned to find Jim, his naked, beautiful porn star looking at him forlornly one broad hand up slightly. Mr. Collins nearby trying to give comfort.

Blair pulled his well-meaning friend up short. “Stop, Rafe stop. I think we need to talk. We’ve been friends along time haven’t we, Rafe?”

“Yes. Since second grade.”

“Since second grade. When mom being mom not only forgot to give me breakfast she also forgot to pack my lunch. I was sitting on the school steps crying ‘cause I was really hungry. You came and sat down next to me. Dried my tears. Told me not to cry and gave me your peanut butter sandwich and your carton of milk. And it was chocolate milk and everything.”

Rafe smiled slightly remembering. “Yeah. To this day you could live on chocolate milk if I let you. Seems I’ve been watching over you ever since. Better than your mom it seems like at times.”

“I appreciate it, Rafe. Truly I have and I love you for it. But you don’t have to watch over me anymore.” Blair told him softly. “I’m an adult now. I can take care of myself.. I can make my own peanut butter sandwiches now.”

“I know, you’re right. I don’t know what came over me. You’re an adult capable of making your own choices. It’s just I saw you with him and saw how much you liked him. I was afraid for you. Afraid you’d get into something you wouldn’t be able to handle.” He met Blair’s eyes. “But you’re an adult, I forget sometimes. I still see this skinny second grader with curly hair going every which way and the big blue eyes full of tears. I forget that-that little boy is all grown up now. I can be such and idiot.” Rafe sighed sadly.

Blair smiled at him. “Yeah, but you’ve been a good friend. The best friend anyone could possibly have. You really are.”

“I love you, Blair.” Rafe told him dark eyes filling with tears. “ And I’m truly sorry.”

“I know you are. Come here, Rafe.” Blair took his friend into a tight bear hug. “We’re alright. It was a slight misunderstanding. You meant well. I know that. We’re okay. I love you, too.” he chuckled softly. “Even when you’re making a fool out of yourself.”

“Really?” Rafe asked shakily. God, what a horrendous day.

“Yeah. Wait for me in the car?”

“Okay.” Rafe told him looking over at Jim. “Do you want me to apologize now or later?”

“Later. It’ll be okay. Don’t worry.” He watched as his friend made his way out of the warehouse before turning toward his beautiful, still very naked porn star.

“Hey there, Jim.”

Jim tangled his finger into Blair’s curly hair kissing his forehead gently. “Hey there, Blair. he replied affectionately. “Everything okay?”

Blair smiled up at him. “Yeah, fine. Just a slight misunderstanding between friends. But, I gotta go.”

“But why?”

“Rafe‘s waiting for me.”

“What about me?” Jim said his blue eyes once again filling with hurt.

Blair caressed the side of that really handsome face, noting the muscles jumping in Jim’s jaw. “I’m not choosing.” He told him softly. “I’m not.”

“But you said Rafe’s waiting for you.”

“Yes, he is. I came back to ask if you’d have dinner with me?”

Jim smiled brilliantly at Blair. “Really?”

“Oh God, that smile is to die for. Yeah, really.” Blair said returning the smile. “I’ll pick you up here at 6:00 and we‘ll see just how far this college student can fall for the really gorgeous.” He sighed heavily. “and extremely sexy porn star.” With that and a quick kiss onto a pair of startled lips Blair bounced toward the exist, bouncing very happily to the echoes of Jim’s delighted laughter.