Author: Angelee

Title: Three Kittens, A Sentinel and a Reluctant Guide

Fandom: Sentinel

Pairing: Jim/Blair

Rating: NC-17

Summary: See title.

Disclaimer: Heh, right!

Advertisement: Part of the SAC-2004 at

Beta: By my sister Anna. All final errors are mine-with apologies.

Three Kittens, A Sentinel and a Reluctant Guide

“Shit.” Blair cussed violently. He was very wet, very cold and very, very hungry. Above all he was damn tired. Of everything. Especially the running. Especially the running right before the holidays. Making it all that much worse.

They were after him yet again. He just couldn’t get a break in his fight for freedom. The Sentinels were bound and determined in making him theirs. Didn’t matter which Sentinel. It just came down to whoever got to him first. Something he would never allow to happen.

Blair didn’t want to belong to any Sentinel. He was his own person and was determined to remain that way.

He huddled against the wall shivering. The wall did little to keep the violently pummeling rain from hitting him dead on. But he needed the break. He’d risk taking it, just long enough to catch his breath and then he would move on.

The rain seemed to slow down slightly. That’s when he heard it. A soft sort of mewing. At least that’s what he though he heard.

He shook the rain from his curly hair as he looked around. There. Something behind the big trash dumpster.

Kneeling in front of a wet cardboard box he carefully opened it. His blue eyes widened in surprised.

Inside the box were three tiny kittens. Just as wet, just as cold as him and shivering just as violently. The cardboard box was soaked by the rain that had not stopped in three days offering no protection whatsoever.

“Oh, Goddess. You poor little things.” He whispered to them.

Quickly taking them out of the box he put them inside his jacket. It was just as wet as the rest of him but, he hoped his body heat would at least keep them warm.

A touch on his shoulder made him turn violently. “Easy there, Chief. I’m not going to hurt you.”

“Back the fuck off then.” Blair hissed, eyeing the tall, blue eyed man inches from him and moving closer. Knowing instinctively he faced a Sentinel.

The man raised his hands. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

“Right. Why then have you been chasing me?” Blair asked warily, backing away slowly. Realizing to late he was trapped. The tall man blocking the only way out.

“I’m a Sentinel.”

“No shit.”

The man followed as Blair backed away. “I’ve been following you.”

“I know that, asshole.”

The light blue eyes flashed. “Are you always so rude?”

“Look, you’re the reason that I’m wet, cold and really hungry. Try being in my shoes and lets see if you’d be all that friendly.”

“I guess your right.”

“Damn straight. All my money’s been frozen so I couldn’t even buy an Egg McMuffin and coffee if I wanted. There are police waiting at my apartment so I can’t even go home. And for what? I’ll tell you for what. For my pheromones. That’s for what. Because I smell good to you assholes.”

“That’s not the only reason.” The man told him softly.

“No then what else? Please enlighten me.” Blair said sarcastically.

“Without what your body produces naturally we can not live. We don’t create pheromones on our own.”

“Do you need to chase those that do like wild animals?”

The man moved closer. “Guides do not come willingly to the Sentinel. We must chase.”

Blair scoffed. “Yeah, right. You just like destroying lives.”

The man repeated continuing as if he hadn’t heard Blair. “It is breed into all Guides. They must run. Sentinels must chase. To catch a Guide is to prove worthy of them.”

“Well you’re not.” Blair replied, trying to move passed the tall broad shoulder man.

He was stopped by a gentle hand on his shoulder. “How do you know? You don‘t even know me” He was told quietly.

Blair shrugged the hand off. “I don’t want to know you.”

“Why?” Blue eyes looked solemnly into him.

“Because I don’t want to be chased any more. I’m real tired of being chased. I want to go home. I want to get out of these wet clothes. I want to get something hot to drink and something to eat. I’m starving.” Blair said wearily.

“I can provide some of what you want. Please Blair, come home with me.”

Blair didn’t even bother to ask how the man knew his name. The Sentinel Group had probably investigated him so well they knew his grades in kindergarten.

“Why the fuck should I?”

“Because you’re tired, wet and hungry.”

Blair sighed sadly. “Yeah, I am. Alright, I’ll go with you, but don’t expect anything else. Got it?”

The tall man smiled at him brilliantly. “Got it. Come, my home is just down the block.”

Blair was led into a spacious two story loft. It was beautiful if a bit sparse. “Who does your decorating. Boring R Us?” He said unkindly.

The man looked around. “Hmm, yes. My name by the way is Jim Ellison if your wondering.”

“I wasn’t.” Yes, Blair knew he was being rude. But at the moment he was weary to his bones and really, really tired. He ached all over. Movement inside his jacket reminded Blair of other things besides himself and being rude to a really handsome Sentinel. At the moment he might be many things, but blind wasn’t one of them. “Hey, you got a spare towel?”

“Yes, let me get it for you.”

Jim watched as Blair undid his jacket. “Don’t get excited there, Bud. I’m not taking the jacket off for you.” He told the fascinated Sentinel.

“I didn’t think you were.” Jim replied as Blair very carefully pulled the kittens out and laid them gently on the towel.

Jim moved closer. “Where did you find them?”

“In back of the trash dumpster. I stopped to catch my breath and I heard a noise and there they were.”

“They’re cute.”

“Yeah, huh?” Blair replied, eyeing the three little kittens. One was black with white splotches, another was white with black splotches and the last was gray with splotches of black and white. All three had blue eyes.

“I bet they’re hungry. Got milk?”

“Yes.” Jim replied hurrying into the kitchen.

While Jim warmed the milk Blair gently dried the kittens. Checking them for gender and for any assorted inhabitants they might be carrying.

As Jim walked back toward the kitchen table with a bowl of warmed milk. “Well what we have here is two boys and a girl. And they are free of ticks, fleas and other assorted nasties.” He told him.

Jim placed the bowl down on the table. “That’s good.” Watching as the three kittens rushed over toward it.

“They’re really hungry.” Blair told Jim, smiling as they delicately lapped at the warm milk.

“Yes. As are you. Let me get you some dry clothes and you can shower to warm up. Then I’ll get you something to eat.” Jim told Blair eyeing the shivering Guide.

Coming back into the room Jim handed Blair a pair of black warm-ups. “Here you are. The shower is through that door.”

“Thank-you.” Blair responded politely enough. “I’ll be right back. Don’t hurt the kittens. They’re mine.”

“I’m a Sentinel. Not a monster.”

“Is there a difference?” Blair replied, as he made his way to the shower. Not seeing the hurt blue eyes that followed him.

When he came out Jim had grilled cheese sandwiches and had chicken noodle soup all ready for him. “Oh, god-I’m starved.” Blair said, attacking the food as if he hadn’t eaten in days. Which he hadn’t.

Finally full he pushed the empty bowl away. “Where are the kittens?”

Jim gave him a bittersweet smile. “They’re fine. I found a box and an old blanket. They’re asleep by the fireplace. See I’m not such a monster.”

Blair sighed softly. “Okay, I apologize for my comment. It was out of line. But how would you like not being able to get into your own home through no fault of your own? Not be able to access money, money you know you have? Be wet, half-starved and running for your life and have all this happen to you during the holidays? You wouldn’t be in the best of moods either.”

“I know, Blair. And I am sorry about that. But that was not my idea. That blame falls on the Sentinel Protective Group. I had nothing to with that.”

“I don’t understand why you have to be chasing after Guides in the first place.”

Jim sighed softly. “I already told you that. It’s sort of a game of hide and seek, if you will.”

Blair looked at the Sentinel. “We’ll I don’t want to play. I’d like to take my kittens and myself home and live my life as I want.”

“I’m sorry, Blair.”

“I bet you are.” The curly haired man said bitterly.

“You can still live your life as you want.”

“But with you in it?”



“But why?” Jim asked, unable to hide the hurt in his voice.

“Truth be told, Sentinel. I don’t want you.” Blair said cruelly.

“Well, I want you.”

Blair looked at the man sitting across from him. “Then we are at an impasse.”

Jim’s finger chased an imaginary crumb across the table. “Yes.”

“Let me go.” Blair pleaded.

“Can’t do that.”


“I need you.” Jim replied baldly.


“Please, Blair.”


Jim reached out a trembling hand. “Please. Bond me. It won’t hurt. I promise you it won’t hurt.” He pleaded softly.

Blair recoiled. “No.”

“Please, Blair.”


“Perhaps if you slept on it. You’re tired.”

“My answer will be the same. Today, tomorrow, day after. You will always get the same answer. No. No. No.”

Solemn blue eyes looked at him. “You don’t really have a choice. You will be mine.”

“When hell freezes over.”

Jim gave him a tight smile. “No, Blair. It will be a lot sooner than that.”

“Says you?”

“Says me.”

Blair sighed. “I don’t want you. Why can’t you get that through your thick skull?”

“I need you.” Jim replied as if it answered it all.

“And I’d rather be dead.”

“Are you saying that you’d kill yourself rather than bond me?” Jim asked horrified.

Blair met his eyes. “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”


“Oh, yeah.”

Jim sighed softly. “Why won’t you give this a chance? Give me a chance?”

“How many times do I have to say it? How many different ways? I don’t want to be a Guide and I don’t want you.”

Silence filled the loft for many moments before Jim spoke again. “Alright how about we make a deal. Stay with me through the holidays, see if I can’t change your mind. If that doesn’t work I’ll help you escape. Set you up somewhere where they’ve never heard of Sentinels and Guides.”

“Why would you do that?” Blair asked suspiciously.

Jim gave him a tight smile. “Selfish reasons. If I can’t have you, then no one will.”

Blair looked at Jim, blue eyes narrowing. “You are a strange man, Jim Ellison. Alright, I accept your deal.”

The Sentinel gave him a blinding smile. “Thank-you, Blair.”

“Don’t thank me. I’ve only agree to stay over the holidays nothing more.”

“For now that’s enough.”



Because Blair had gotten soaked to the skin in his fight for freedom he caught a cold. A really bad cold.

“I’m telling you I on’t eed a octor.” Blair wheezed at the Sentinel as Jim looked down at him worriedly. Jim had turned a spare room on the first floor of the loft into a bedroom for his reluctant Guide. Blair now lay on the futon he used as a bed shivering uncontrollably under four quilts.

“Blair, your running a temp of 102. I think you need a Doctor to give you some antibiotics.”


“Blair, please.”

“No, damn you.”

Jim’s eyes flashed angrily. “Don’t curse at me. I’m only trying to help.”

Blair sighed wearily. “I know. I’m sorry.” He blew his nose loudly into a tissue. Making Jim cringe. “I just don’t feel good and I don’t want to be fussed over. I want to die in peace.”

“I know you don’t feel good, you’re sick and you need to see a doctor. Let me call one in from the Sentinel Center.”

Blair buried himself deeper into the blankets. “I’d rather die.”

“Blair, please.”

A curly head peeked out from the edge of the blankets. “Don’t fuss. Did you remember to feed the kittens?”

“Yes. How about if I fixed you some tea.”

“Fine. Tea.” Blair replied tiredly, burying himself back under the quilts. Today was Christmas Eve and he felt like shit. Worse than, actually. He sighed unhappily as he buried himself deeper. He just wished he could get warm.

Jim returned minutes later with a mug filled with a brand of tea Blair seemed to prefer. After a week he was already getting to know his reluctant Guide’s preferences. “Here you go, buddy.”

“Good. Drink it for me.”

“What you expect to get the benefits by osmosis?”

“Yup. That way I don’t have to get up.”

Jim chucked softly. “Come on sit up. I’ll help.”

The Sentinel held the mug steady for Blair to drink. The curly-headed man resting wearily against Jim as he drank the hot liquid gratefully.

After a minute or so he noticed that the Sentinel was sniffing his hair. “What are you doing?”

Jim started guiltily. “N…nothing.”

“It wasn’t nothing. Were you sniffing my hair?”

“Hmm, no?”

“Yes, you were, admitted it. You were trying to take advantage of a sick man.” Blair accused.

Jim shrugged his shoulders. “Yes, alright I was sniffing your hair.” He said sheepishly.

“You promised not to take advantage of me and me being sick and all.” Blair sneezed into another tissue. “You suck. You know that.”

Jim sighed heavily. “Yeah, I know. But you smell good.”

“And that gives you the right to sniff my hair?”


Blair pulled away slightly. “Oh, you really suck.”

“It was just a little sniff. It wasn’t even a big sniff.”

“Oh, like that matters.”

“It does. Now if I wanted to sniff big I would have done this.” Jim said, pushing the quilts out of the way. Laying Blair flat against the futon he maneuvered his big body on top. Burying his face in Blair’s neck he began snuffing happily.

The curly haired man allowed it, for now. “Well, that’s interesting. And what pray tell is that suppose to accomplish?”

“Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m getting a lot out of it.” Jim replied, warm breath gently tickling Blair’s neck.

“Well, I’m glad someone’s getting off on this.”

“Oh, yeah.” Jim replied shakily.

“You’re not bonding to me are you?”

Blair felt Jim shake his head against his neck. “No. No, absolutely not.” He denied hurriedly.

Blair frowned up at the ceiling. “Why do I get the feeling you’re not telling me the truth?”

“I am, Blair. Really I am.” Jim replied adamantly. “Don’t you believe me?”


“I’m hurt.”

“Yeah, I bet. You wanna get off? You weigh a ton.”

Jim made himself more comfortable on top of Blair. “Not yet. A few more minutes, please.”

Blair sighed. “You really suck, you know that, All right a few more minutes.”

Jim looked up at him giving him the goofiest grin Blair had ever seen. “Thank-you, Blair.” And he sounded funny too.

The curly-haired man frown at him. “Did you get into the liquor cabinet while I’ve been at death’s door?”

“Huh?” The Sentinel asked, contently nuzzling Blair’s neck with his nose.

“Look at me.” Blair demanded. The Sentinel did. Jim’s blue eyes were glazed and there it was again, that goofy grin. “You are. You’re drunk.” He accused angrily.

“I…I’m not d…drunk. J…just high on y…you.” Jim slurred.


“P…pheromones. High on your pheromones.”

Blair tired to wiggle free from under the heavy Sentinel. “I can’t believe this. I just cannot believe this. You promised not to bond me and you went and did it anyway.” He told him angrily, unable to get free.

“N…no, Blair. Didn’t bond to you. Not yet Can’t. Not without your permission.” Jim said, taking a huge whiff of Blair’s spicy scent. Suddenly with a small moan his considerable bulk went totally limp.

“Great. Just great.” Blair said, looking down at Jim who now lay against his chest, snoring softly. “You suck.” He told the top of the Sentinel’s head.

Anger didn’t any good, besides the Sentinel was very warm and Blair had finally stopped shivering. Being cold had been a part of Blair’s life for so long he though he would never get or be warm again. Pulling the quilts up over them he quickly followed Jim into sleep.

Much later he woke to find the Sentinel still on top of him, snoring softly. He sighed unhappily. So this is what his life had become? A Sentinel’s pillow and drug of choice? How did his life turn out this way? Getting a Sentinel high just cause he sniffed his neck. His life sucked.

Jim moved slowly as he woke. “Oh, my head.” He complained softly.

“Serves you right. That’s what you get for taking advantage of a sick man. That’s how the Goddess punishes Sentinels that suck.”

“I didn’t do it on purpose, Blair. Really I didn’t. You just smelled so good. I guess I over did it.”

“Hmm, get off. I got to go to the bathroom and check on the kittens.”

Jim moaned pitifully. “Not yet. Let me rest here for a minute then I’ll move.”

Blair sighed. “Well hurry up. I haven’t got all day.” He replied gruffly. “You suck. You really suck. Did I tell you that? That you suck?”

“Yes, I do believe you mentioned it a time or two.” Jim said from somewhere near Blair’s bellybutton where he’d maneuvered himself. Head resting very comfortable against the Guide’s warm tummy.

“Good. Just so you know that you suck.”

“Okay. Thank-you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Jim lifted Blair’s warm-up top to rub his face against Blair’s soft skin. Oddly surprised that Blair allowed it. “Hmm. Blair?”


“I’m, sorry.”

“You are?” Blair was unable to keep the surprise from his voice.

“Yeah, I am. I’m sorry you hate me. I’m sorry I’m a Sentinel and I’m really sorry you don’t want to be my Guide.” Jim sniffed wetly.

“Oh, Goddess. You’re not going to do the woe-is-me bit are you?”

“Yup, sorry.” Tear-filled eyes looked up at him from under the quilts. Blair thought Jim looked kinda cute like that. Kinda warm and fuzzy-Sentinel style.

He ran a finger down Jim’s cheek. “Look, I told you I didn’t hate you. Come up here.”

“Then why won’t you bond me? And you don’t even like me touching the kittens.” Jim sad sadly.

“I never said you couldn’t touch the kittens.”

Jim laid his head on Blair’s shoulder. “You haven’t said I couldn’t touch them, but every time I get near them you look at me like I’m going to grab them and cook them up for supper or something equally bad.”

“No I don’t.”

“Yeah, you do. Your big blue eyes go really wide and you watch every step I take when I’m around them. I wouldn’t hurt them any more than I would hurt you.” Jim said woefully, tears in his voice. “I didn’t hurt them when they stared climbing up my legs did I?”

“No, you didn’t.” Blair replied, remembering the incident that had happened two days ago. All three kittens-still unnamed had taken a real liking to the Sentinel and would run to him whenever Jim came into the room. They’d started to climb his legs while he’d been trying to talk to an uncooperative Blair.

Jim had suddenly become very still getting a bemused look on his face. Blair had leaned over from where he sat at the kitchen table to see the kittens slowly crawling up the Sentinel’s legs like he was a climbing post-all three of them.

Jim had held still even though those tiny little claws had to hurt sensitive Sentinel skin. Gently pulling them free from his pants when they’d reached arms height, he’d gently stroked their soft fur before setting them carefully back down on the floor.

“I know you wouldn’t hurt them or me.”

Jim sniffed again. “No I wouldn’t.”

“You normally aren’t such a cry baby are you?”

“No. Normally I’m a real macho type of guy, but right now I’m needy and slightly hungover.”


“Hmm, quite a bit.”

Blair rolled his eyes. “You’re something else, you do realize that?”


“You did try and make it real nice for the kittens and me. Fixed me up a really nice room and all. Even trying to make it a good Christmas even thought I don’t want to be here. It really is a nice tree. I’m sorry I’ve been such an ass.” Blair said regretfully.


“I do appreciate everything you‘ve done.”


“Not going to give an inch are you?” Blair asked, smiling at the top of Jim’s head.

“Not if it means I have to get up. You may not want to give me what I need, but you’re releasing pheromones anyway and it feels really good. Not as good as if you bonded me and were releasing everything that I needed, but it’s enough to keep me content if not happy.”

“Are you trying to guilt me into bonding with you?”

“N…no.” Jim said weepily. “I wouldn’t do that.”

“Oh, for Goddess sakes. Alright I’ll bond you.” Blair exclaimed in exasperation.

Jim’s head popped up. “You will?” He asked incredulously.

“Yes, yes. Stop soaking my shirt now.”

The Sentinel wiped furiously at Blair’s sweatshirt. “Sorry. Sorry. Now?” He asked sitting up.

“I suppose.” Blair replied reluctantly.

Disappointment clouded Jim eyes which had been heartbreakingly hopeful up until then. “I don’t want to push you into anything.” He said mournfully.

Blair rolled his eyes at the Sentinel. “Oh, quit being such a baby. I said I’d bond you and I will.”

“Y…you don’t even like me.” Jim replied, lower lip trembling.

Blair sighed. “Oh, give me a break and save me from over-emotional Sentinels coming down from a pheromone high. Come here you.” He told Jim, opening his arms wide.

Jim went sobbing hopelessly against Blair’s neck. “I’m sorry, so sorry.”

Blair comforted the distraught Sentinel the best he could. “Shh, it’s okay. Tell me what we need to do to bond.”

“Bond me.”

“I know that you dork.” Blair said impatiently. “How do we do it?”

“You called me a dork.” Jim said, tears starting full force once again.

Blair sighed heavily. “Damn. Me and my big mouth. By the time this is all done with I’ll be drowned. Come on Jim tell me what we have to do. Don’t you want to bond with me?” He asked coaxingly.


“Then come on. Bond with me.” He coaxed softly. “I know you don’t feel well, but maybe once we’ve bonded you’ll feel lots better. I feel better having you here. My cold is nowhere near as bad.”

“It’s an aftereffects of the bonding that’s started. I take what I need from you and give you something back in return.”

“Yeah, like?”

Jim rubbed his face against Blair’s swearshirt, making the curly-haired man crinkle his nose at what the Sentinel had possibly just spread all over it. “Good health and an extraordinary long life.”

“And you? What do you get out of the bond and the use of my pheromones?”

“My senses will come online completely and stay online. Being around you once we bond will keep them working right and I’ll have no more zones.”

“Zone?” Blair replied, listening intently as the more under control Sentinel talked to him. Gently rubbing Jim’s broad back soothingly.

“Where a Sentinel focuses to intently on just one sense. Become entangled in if you will, unable to find our way out. We forget to breathe and simply freeze in place. If we are in a job that requires our complete attention it can be deadly.”

“I bet.”

Jim turned boodshot eyes toward Blair. “Are you sure you want to bond with me, Blair? I can still keep my word to you. Find you a place where the word Guide isn’t even in the dictionary.”

“And what about you?” Blair asked his solemnly.

“I’ll be alright.” Jim said vaguely.

Something Blair didn’t believe even a little bit. “You’ve been telling me the truth up till now. Don’t start lying to me now. What will happen to you if I were to pack up my kittens and me and simply walk out the door?”

“There’s nothing simple about it, I will die.” Jim told him baldly.

Blair felt a coldness course through his veins, leaving him speechless. It was something he’d never felt before in his life and did not want to ever feel again

Jim was not a bad person. He’d been good to the kittens and him this last week. Had even gotten the kittens a Christmas present. The biggest, padded kitty playground Blair had ever seen. It sat under the tree with a huge bow on it waiting for Christmas Day. Blair frowned. Which was today. They’d sleep though Christmas Eve.

Jim really wasn’t a bad person. He seemed to be kind, generous and understanding. He’d have to be to put up with the bullshit Blair had been putting the Sentinel through for the past week.

“Tell me about the bond?”

“Once the bond is in place it is for life. You will be mine and I will be yours in all ways.” Jim replied, rubbing his face tiredly agains the side of Blair’s neck.

“In all ways?” Blair asked, kissing Jim’s nose.

The Sentinel sighed, closing his eyes. “Financially, spiritually, bodily.” He said wearily.


“Yes. The bond will make it impossible to be with anyone else.”

“And you’re okay with that?”



Jim gave Blair a tiny smile. “You are what I need to live and it‘s not just because you‘re a Guide. You’ve only been here a week and you’re already my heart and soul. I love you. The loft has never been filled with such warmth and laughter not even when I was married. And that was with you not even wanting to be here.” The Sentinel’s voice held amazement. “I can only imagine what this place would be like if you were here willingly. My heart aches for you, Blair. For what I could have with you.”

“Don’t let it.”

“What? What are you saying?”

“Bond me.”

Jim reached out for the first time, hands trembling. He’d been so afraid to touch Blair, afraid of being rebuked. Not believing that Blair actually wanted him. “Are you sure? Are you positive?”

Blair nodded. “Yes. I pledge my heart, my soul, my life…” Blair smiled at the pale trembling Sentinel. “…my kittens to you. Now and always we will be yours.”

Jim sighed heavily smiling weakly. “Oh, God-Blair.” Pulling his soon to be Guide to him.

“Do you really love me?” Blair asked nuzzling Jim gently.

“Yes, with all my heart. Do you love me, Blair? Even a little?”

Blair wrapped his arms around the Sentinel. “More than a little, I think.”

“You think you don’t know?”

Blair kissed Jim gently on the lips. “You are one damn insecure Sentinel you know that?”

“I can’t help it. You’re beautiful. Anyone would be proud to be your Sentinel.”

“Jim?” Blair whispered, slowly unbuttoning Jim’s shirt.

The Sentinel looked down watching. “Yes, Blair?”

“Remember what you told me about a Guide running and a Sentinel chasing?”


“I’m not running anymore. You caught me.” Blair ran his hands over Jim’s chest admiring the way the muscles rippled and how warm the Sentinel was.

“I did?” Jim asked, moaning softly when the curly-haired man moved closer nuzzling his ear.

“Yup.” Blair replied, pushing the shirt off Jim’s body. Smiling when it was flung impatiently away. “I’m all yours, no more fighting you.”

The Sentinel tangled his trembling fingers in Blair’s curly-hair pulling his head toward his neck.

Blair licked gently at the soft skin. “Nice.” He whispered softly, lazily swiping it with his tongue.

“Oh, yeah.” Jim replied shakily.

Blair pulled away slightly. “Well, bond me.” He said impatiently.

“It’s already been done.”


“The minute you stopped fighting me. The bond went into place.”

“Really? That easy?”

Jim smiled at him. “That easy. What were you expecting ? Caveman tactics? Bloodletting or maybe a sexual all-nighter?”

“Hmm, I’m not really sure what to expect.” Blair replied, stroking Jim hair gently. “Though the sexual all-nighter would be real nice.

Jim pulled the willing man into his lap. “See, you were fighting me for no reason. You can have the all nighter whenever you like, but it’ll have to wait until I get over my hangover.”

“Okay.” Blair said nuzzling into the Sentinel’s big chest. “Hey?” He pulled away slightly. “Are you getting what you need.”

“Oh, yeah.” Jim sighed happily.

“How come I don’t feel it?”

“You’re not suppose to.” Jim replied, contently sniffing Blair’s hair. “I told you it’s not suppose to hurt.”


“Hmm, Blair?”


“Now that we’ve bonded and everything that is mine is yours…” Jim’s voice trailed off.

“Hum, hmm?”

“Does that mean the kittens are partly mine now too.” The Sentinel continued, tugging on a strand of Blair’s hair gently.


“Oh. And since they’re partly mine and since they don’t have names yet can I name them?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Why should you be allowed to name them?”

“Because I’m your Sentinel and you almost love me.”

“Hmm, I think that a good enough reason. And after everything I’ve put you through. Sure you can name them.”

“Thank-you, Blair.” Jim said, urging his new Guide to lay back down against the futon.

Blair went. “So how do you feel? Better? No more weepies?”

“No more. I feel lots better now that the bond is in place. I think what happened was that I wanted you so much that when you let me finally get near you I over did it. It shouldn’t happen again. From now on I’ll be really, really macho for you.”

Blair ran his hands over Jim’s broad back. “I don’t mind you getting all weepy. I’ll be here to make sure you’re okay.” He smiled up at his Sentinel. “Plus we get to cuddle till you feel better. So there are some benefits.”

“Hmm, yup-there is that.” Jim replied, pulling at the quilts.

Blair helped him. “So what are you going to name the kittens?”

“Hmm, I’ve got some ideas, but right now I want to spend some quality time with my new Guide.” He looked down at Blair, smiling sleepily. “Is that okay with my Guide?”

“That’s more than okay with your Guide.” Blair replied, wrapping his arms around Jim.

The Sentinel sighed softly, laying his head against Blair’s shoulder.



“It’s more than almost.”



Blair felt Jim smile against his skin. “I’m glad.” The Sentinel whispered.

“Me too.” Blair made sure the quilts covered the both of them. “Jim?”

The Sentinel buried his face against Blair’s neck. “Hmm?”

“Merry Christmas.”